
NYC Gazette

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Queens County schools: Which ethnicity was most represented in 2023-24 school year?

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New York Commissioner of Education Dr. Betty A. Rosa | nysed.gov

New York Commissioner of Education Dr. Betty A. Rosa | nysed.gov

Of the many ethnicities represented in New York schools, the most prevalent ethnicity among students enrolled in Queens schools in the 2023-24 school year were Hispanic, according to New York State Education Department.

Of the 250,878 students attending Queens County schools, 42.6% were Hispanic. Asian or Pacific Islander students were the second largest ethnicity, making up 28.6% of Queens County students.

In the previous school year, Hispanic was also the most common student ethnicity in Queens County, representing 40.6% of the student body.

J.H.S. 226 Virgil I. Grisson had the most even distribution of races among county schools, with 27.1% Hispanic students, 26.9% Black students, 24.3% Asian or Pacific Islander students, 17.8% American Indian or Alaska Native students, 2.6% white students, and 1.4% multiracial students.

In the 2023-24 school year, the total number of students enrolled in public schools in the county increased 1.3% when compared to the previous year.

In 2022, New York had roughly one teacher for every 12 students, which is lower than the national average of one teacher for every 16 students. A lower student-to-teacher ratio has been found to help improve students' school performance.

A 2021 report from the NYC Center for Innovation Through Data Intelligence revealed racial and gender groups were seeing better outcomes compared to 2013, though significant disparities remained between different groups, particularly between Black and Hispanic students.

Ethnicities in Queens County in 2023-24 School Year
Hispanic [42.6%]Asian or Pacific Islander [28.6%]Black [13.9%]White [10.7%]Ethnicities <5% [4.2%]
Most Prevalent Ethnicities in Queens County Schools in 2023-24 School Year
School nameMost prevalent ethnicityPercent of Total Student BodyTotal Enrollment
Academy for Careers In Television and FilmHispanic60.1%541
Academy for Excellence Through the ArtsAsian or Pacific Islander40.7%518
Academy for New AmericansHispanic84.9%93
Academy of American StudiesHispanic35.8%1,399
Academy of Finance and EnterpriseHispanic46.9%826
Academy of Medical Technology - A. College Board SchoolHispanic53.8%613
Ace Academy for Scholars at the Geraldine Ferraro CampusHispanic53.8%556
Active Learning Elementary SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander90.5%462
Albert Shanker School for Visual and Performing ArtsHispanic46%402
August Martin High SchoolBlack56.4%587
Aviation Career and Technical Education High SchoolHispanic50.2%1,844
Baccalaureate School for Global EducationAsian or Pacific Islander40.6%525
Bard High School Early College QueensAsian or Pacific Islander29.4%670
Bayside High SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander44.8%3,011
Bell AcademyAsian or Pacific Islander43.1%360
Bellaire SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander39.8%732
Benjamin Franklin High School for Finance & Information TechnologyBlack63.7%353
Benjamin N. Cardozo High SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander43.6%2,996
Business Technology Early College High SchoolBlack44.2%532
Cambria Heights AcademyBlack62.7%362
Catherine & Count Basie Middle School 72Black62%329
Channel View School for ResearchHispanic43.4%1,198
Children's Lab SchoolHispanic56.5%457
Civic Leadership AcademyHispanic79.9%567
Civic School of Bayside HillsAsian or Pacific Islander41%134
Collaborative Arts Middle SchoolBlack79.6%284
College Point CollaborativeHispanic80.2%469
Community Voices Middle SchoolBlack77.3%304
Corona Arts and Sciences AcademyHispanic98.4%735
Cynthia Jenkins SchoolBlack80.3%274
David N. Dinkins SchoolBlack34.1%446
Eagle Academy for Young Men IIIBlack83.6%493
East Elmhurst Community SchoolHispanic88.4%450
East-West School of International StudiesAsian or Pacific Islander74.6%685
Elm Tree Elementary SchoolHispanic87.4%823
Emerson SchoolHispanic40.4%324
Energy Tech High SchoolHispanic62%495
Epic High School - NorthHispanic51%386
Epic High School-SouthHispanic30.5%413
Excelsior Preparatorty High SchoolBlack78.7%484
Flushing High SchoolHispanic67.6%1,581
Flushing International High SchoolHispanic67%403
Forest Hills High SchoolHispanic40.9%3,429
Francis Lewis High SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander62.3%4,412
Frank Sinatra School of the Arts High SchoolWhite35.9%854
Frederick Douglass Academy Vi High SchoolHispanic47.5%280
George Washington Carver High School for the SciencesBlack61.4%391
Goldie Maple AcademyBlack69.6%322
Gordon Parks SchoolBlack83.4%621
Grover Cleveland High SchoolHispanic72.8%1,543
Hawtree Creek Middle SchoolBlack28.1%395
Helen M. Marshall SchoolHispanic92.9%505
High School for Arts and BusinessHispanic78.6%735
High School for Community LeadershipHispanic38.4%495
High School for Law Enforcement and Public SafetyBlack47.2%545
High School of Applied CommunicationsHispanic70.6%411
High School-Construction Trades Engineering & ArchitectureHispanic37.9%1,051
Hillcrest High SchoolHispanic39.5%2,335
Hillside Arts & Letters AcademyHispanic38.1%433
Humanities and Arts Magnet High SchoolBlack66.6%572
Hunters Point Community Middle SchoolHispanic51.9%389
Hunters Point Elementary SchoolWhite36.1%415
I.S. 10 Horace GreeleyHispanic58.3%647
I.S. 125 Thomas J. Mccann WoodsideHispanic65.1%1,505
I.S. 141 SteinwayWhite40.6%1,008
I.S. 145 Joseph PulitzerHispanic92.3%1,525
I.S. 192 LindenBlack67.5%351
I.S. 204 Oliver W. HolmesHispanic67.2%406
I.S. 227 Louis ArmstrongHispanic35.4%1,561
I.S. 230Hispanic59.2%1,004
I.S. 237Asian or Pacific Islander74.4%1,277
I.S. 238 Susan B. Anthony AcademyHispanic40%895
I.S. 25 Adrien BlockAsian or Pacific Islander58.9%1,046
I.S. 250 Robert F. Kennedy Community Middle SchoolHispanic41.8%268
I.S. 5 Walter Crowley Intermediate SchoolHispanic58.1%1,297
I.S. 59 Springfield GardensBlack77.8%400
I.S. 61 Leonardo Da VinciHispanic94.2%2,170
I.S. 73 Frank Sansivieri Intermediate SchoolHispanic59.1%1,649
I.S. 93 RidgewoodHispanic77%996
Information Technology High SchoolHispanic64.9%844
Institute for Health Professions at Cambria HeightsBlack65.1%475
International High School at Laguardia Community CollegeHispanic86.4%463
International High School for Health SciencesHispanic82.5%246
Irwin Altman Middle School 172Asian or Pacific Islander61.7%826
Ivan Lafayette Early Childhood School of the ArtsHispanic80.3%208
J.H.S. 157 Stephen A. HalseyWhite36.7%1,635
J.H.S. 185 Edward BleekerAsian or Pacific Islander58.5%1,469
J.H.S. 189 Daniel Carter BeardAsian or Pacific Islander48.9%619
J.H.S. 190 Russell SageHispanic31.7%931
J.H.S. 194 William CarrAsian or Pacific Islander44.8%986
J.H.S. 202 Robert H. GoddardHispanic48.8%884
J.H.S. 210 Elizabeth BlackwellHispanic63.7%1,454
J.H.S. 216 George J. RyanAsian or Pacific Islander71.2%1,494
J.H.S. 217 Robert A. Van WyckHispanic51.7%1,273
J.H.S. 226 Virgil I. GrissonHispanic27.1%808
J.H.S. 67 Louis PasteurAsian or Pacific Islander63.3%946
J.H.S. 74 Nathaniel HawthorneAsian or Pacific Islander66.8%1,075
J.H.S. 8 Richard S. GrossleyBlack38.1%354
Jamaica Children's SchoolBlack45.9%242
Jamaica Gateway To the SciencesAsian or Pacific Islander44.1%522
James J. Ambrose SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander70.5%664
Jean Nuzzi Intermediate SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander35.9%917
Jermaine L. Green Stem Institute In QueensBlack72.2%503
John Adams High SchoolHispanic38.8%2,439
John Bowne High SchoolHispanic51.4%2,744
John F. Kennedy Junior SchoolHispanic48.5%522
Joseph F. Quinn Intermediate School 77Hispanic88.5%602
Knowledge and Power Preparatory Academy ViHispanic55.9%263
Learners and LeadersHispanic78.6%443
Lighthouse Elementary SchoolBlack53.7%149
Long Island City High SchoolHispanic73.2%1,862
M.S. 137 America's School of HeroesHispanic46.1%1,648
M.S. 158 Marie CurieAsian or Pacific Islander61.6%783
M.S. 358Hispanic47.7%354
M.S. 53 Brian PiccoloHispanic46.9%241
Martin Van Buren High SchoolBlack35.3%1,129
Maspeth High SchoolHispanic59.3%1,023
Math/Science Research/Tech MagnetBlack71.7%435
Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning SchoolHispanic46.1%833
Middle College High School at Laguardia Community CollegeHispanic76.9%428
New York City Academy for DiscoveryHispanic66.6%344
Newcomers High SchoolHispanic90.3%1,448
Newtown High SchoolHispanic68.8%1,897
North Queens Community High SchoolHispanic50.9%108
P.S. 100 Glen MorrisAmerican Indian or Alaska Native38.6%686
P.S. 101 School In the GardensWhite35.9%612
P.S. 102 BayviewAsian or Pacific Islander60%1,146
P.S. 104 Bays WaterHispanic57.6%505
P.S. 105 Bay SchoolBlack56.3%593
P.S. 107 Thomas A. DooleyAsian or Pacific Islander47.3%816
P.S. 108 Captain Vincent G. FowlerHispanic44%1,128
P.S. 11 Kathryn PhelanHispanic53.8%693
P.S. 110Hispanic94.8%845
P.S. 111 Jacob BlackwellHispanic61.9%496
P.S. 112 Dutch KillsHispanic56%541
P.S. 117 J. Keld/Briarwood SchoolHispanic45.4%765
P.S. 118 Lorraine HansberryBlack56.2%386
P.S. 12 James B. ColgateAsian or Pacific Islander55.1%841
P.S. 120Asian or Pacific Islander66.8%766
P.S. 121Asian or Pacific Islander48.7%711
P.S. 122 Mamie FayWhite50%1,145
P.S. 123Black53.4%545
P.S. 124 Osmond A. ChurchAsian or Pacific Islander41.9%1,031
P.S. 127 Aerospace Science Magnet SchoolHispanic81.5%1,155
P.S. 128 Lorraine Tuzzo-Juniper ValleyWhite61.1%624
P.S. 129 Patricia LarkinHispanic63.7%1,142
P.S. 13 Clement C. MooreHispanic61.7%931
P.S. 130Asian or Pacific Islander65%377
P.S. 131 Abigail AdamsAsian or Pacific Islander74.9%757
P.S. 132 Ralph BuncheBlack76.7%301
P.S. 133Asian or Pacific Islander66.5%600
P.S. 134 HollisBlack47.1%327
P.S. 136 Roy WilkinsBlack78.6%364
P.S. 139 Rego ParkWhite35.4%577
P.S. 14 FairviewHispanic94%1,030
P.S. 140 Edward K. EllingtonBlack57.3%316
P.S. 143 Louis ArmstrongHispanic95.4%1,458
P.S. 144 Col. Jeromus RemsenAsian or Pacific Islander35.9%805
P.S. 146 Howard BeachHispanic42.9%515
P.S. 148Hispanic81.6%653
P.S. 149 Christa McauliffeHispanic87.8%707
P.S. 15 Jackie RobinsonBlack76.6%308
P.S. 150Hispanic41.9%699
P.S. 151 Mary D. CarterHispanic55.3%349
P.S. 152 Gwendoline N. Alleyne SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander57.2%656
P.S. 153 Maspeth ElementaryHispanic46.5%820
P.S. 154Asian or Pacific Islander38.8%575
P.S. 155Asian or Pacific Islander51.1%511
P.S. 156 LaureltonBlack78.9%166
P.S. 159Asian or Pacific Islander58.7%542
P.S. 16 Nancy Debenedittis SchoolHispanic98%997
P.S. 160 Walter Francis BishopBlack31.9%593
P.S. 161 Arthur Ashe SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander64.6%567
P.S. 162 John GoldenAsian or Pacific Islander76.1%481
P.S. 163 Flushing HeightsAsian or Pacific Islander77.7%754
P.S. 164 Queens ValleyHispanic31.9%545
P.S. 165 Edith K. BergtraumAsian or Pacific Islander46.6%639
P.S. 166 Henry GradsteinHispanic43.1%843
P.S. 169 Bay TerraceAsian or Pacific Islander39.5%395
P.S. 17 Henry David ThoreauHispanic53.3%583
P.S. 171 Peter G. Van AlstHispanic55.6%473
P.S. 173 Fresh MeadowsAsian or Pacific Islander60.1%935
P.S. 174 William Sidney MountAsian or Pacific Islander41.8%536
P.S. 175 Lynn Gross Discovery SchoolWhite43.3%677
P.S. 176 Cambria HeightsBlack83.5%565
P.S. 177Black29%618
P.S. 18 WinchesterAsian or Pacific Islander56.5%423
P.S. 181 BrookfieldBlack68%325
P.S. 182 Samantha SmithHispanic58.1%740
P.S. 183 Dr. Richard R. GreenBlack58%421
P.S. 184 Flushing ManorAsian or Pacific Islander59.7%477
P.S. 186 CastlewoodAsian or Pacific Islander45.7%346
P.S. 188 KingsburyAsian or Pacific Islander68.9%665
P.S. 19 Marino JeantetHispanic97%1,597
P.S. 191 MayflowerAsian or Pacific Islander67.8%348
P.S. 193 Alfred J. KennedyWhite43.7%556
P.S. 195 William HaberleBlack81%316
P.S. 196 Grand Central ParkwayAsian or Pacific Islander42.9%794
P.S. 197 Ocean SchoolHispanic49.9%403
P.S. 199 Maurice A. FitzgeraldHispanic63.7%578
P.S. 2 Alfred ZimbergHispanic42.5%560
P.S. 20 John BowneAsian or Pacific Islander66.3%1,016
P.S. 201 Discovery School for Inquiry and ResearchHispanic41.5%369
P.S. 203 Oakland GardensAsian or Pacific Islander77%813
P.S. 205 Alexander Graham BellAsian or Pacific Islander50.8%236
P.S. 206 Horace Harding SchoolWhite32.1%539
P.S. 207 Rockwood ParkWhite58.4%639
P.S. 209 Clearview GardensAsian or Pacific Islander55.5%456
P.S. 21 Edward HartAsian or Pacific Islander58.1%1,086
P.S. 212Hispanic64.1%577
P.S. 213 Carl Ullman SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander53%351
P.S. 214 Cadwallader ColdenAsian or Pacific Islander57.6%342
P.S. 219 Paul KlapperAsian or Pacific Islander50.4%611
P.S. 22 Thomas JeffersonAsian or Pacific Islander55.7%733
P.S. 220 Edward MandelAsian or Pacific Islander32.9%599
P.S. 221 North Hills SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander63.7%498
P.S. 222-Fire Fighter Christopher A. Santora SchoolHispanic68.2%211
P.S. 223 Lyndon B. JohnsonHispanic45.4%661
P.S. 224Hispanic36%456
P.S. 229 Emanuel KaplanHispanic44.8%1,084
P.S. 23 at Queens Children CenterHispanic37.8%344
P.S. 232 LindenwoodHispanic54.9%820
P.S. 233Black32.7%523
P.S. 234Hispanic40.7%437
P.S. 239Hispanic80.2%410
P.S. 24 Andrew JacksonAsian or Pacific Islander84.3%1,183
P.S. 242 Leonard P. Stavisky Early Childhood SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander75.6%287
P.S. 251Black71.3%223
P.S. 253Hispanic65.2%520
P.S. 254 Rosa Parks SchoolHispanic77.5%510
P.S. 255Hispanic38.5%558
P.S. 26 Rufus KingAsian or Pacific Islander55.3%573
P.S. 273Hispanic73.7%308
P.S. 28 Thomas Emanuel Early Childhood CenterHispanic94.5%273
P.S. 280 Home of the LionheartsHispanic86.7%451
P.S. 29Hispanic70%707
P.S. 31 BaysideAsian or Pacific Islander44.1%363
P.S. 32 State StreetAsian or Pacific Islander63%836
P.S. 33 Edward M. FunkAsian or Pacific Islander49.2%728
P.S. 34 John HarvardBlack48.4%475
P.S. 35 Nathaniel WoodhullAsian or Pacific Islander38%584
P.S. 36 Saint Albans SchoolBlack66.1%292
P.S. 360Black78.6%294
P.S. 376Asian or Pacific Islander69.8%517
P.S. 377Hispanic53.2%500
P.S. 38 RosedaleBlack75.4%232
P.S. 398Hispanic46.7%405
P.S. 40 Samuel HuntingtonHispanic40.7%369
P.S. 41 CrocheronAsian or Pacific Islander57.6%403
P.S. 43Black57.6%616
P.S. 45 Clarence WitherspoonHispanic46.8%412
P.S. 46 Alley PondAsian or Pacific Islander59.8%482
P.S. 47 Chris GalasWhite69.3%274
P.S. 49 Dorothy Bonawit KoleWhite42%1,218
P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Elementary SchoolHispanic49.9%904
P.S. 51Hispanic44.8%212
P.S. 52Black49.3%278
P.S. 54 HillsideHispanic60%443
P.S. 55 MaureAsian or Pacific Islander30.5%491
P.S. 56 Harry EichlerHispanic52%327
P.S. 58 School of HeroesHispanic48.2%776
P.S. 60 WoodhavenHispanic72.3%980
P.S. 62 Chester Park SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander46%795
P.S. 63 Old SouthAsian or Pacific Islander42.7%1,006
P.S. 64 Joseph P. AddabboAsian or Pacific Islander69.5%469
P.S. 65 Raymond York Elementary SchoolHispanic43.3%360
P.S. 66 Jacqueline Kennedy-OnassisHispanic64.3%496
P.S. 68 CambridgeHispanic84.2%474
P.S. 69 Jackson HeightsAsian or Pacific Islander49.9%814
P.S. 7 Louis F. SimeoneAsian or Pacific Islander57.8%1,198
P.S. 70Hispanic42.6%808
P.S. 71 ForestHispanic62.8%516
P.S. 76 William HalletHispanic63.5%457
P.S. 79 Francis LewisAsian or Pacific Islander61.2%1,057
P.S. 80 Thurgood Marshall Magnet School of MultimediaBlack73.3%375
P.S. 81 Jean Paul RichterHispanic87.2%702
P.S. 82 HammondHispanic72.3%613
P.S. 84 SteinwayWhite50.4%349
P.S. 85 Judge Charles ValloneWhite46.6%541
P.S. 86Asian or Pacific Islander53.2%684
P.S. 88 SenecaHispanic60.2%686
P.S. 89 ElmhurstHispanic77.9%1,124
P.S. 9Hispanic36.5%619
P.S. 90 Horace MannHispanic61.3%587
P.S. 91 Richard ArkwrightHispanic55.2%782
P.S. 92 Harry T. Stewart SeniorHispanic96.3%843
P.S. 94 David D. PorterAsian or Pacific Islander77.4%337
P.S. 95 EastwoodHispanic42.8%1,090
P.S. 96Asian or Pacific Islander40.4%319
P.S. 97 Forest ParkHispanic75.6%570
P.S. 98 Douglaston SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander36%258
P.S. 99 Kew GardensHispanic40.8%742
P.S. 993Hispanic34.7%571
P.S. Q4Asian or Pacific Islander29.9%539
P.S. Q811Black32.7%517
P.S./I.S. 113 Anthony J. PranzoHispanic43.2%794
P.S./I.S. 116 William C. HughleyHispanic46%843
P.S./I.S. 119 GlendaleWhite32.5%1,201
P.S./I.S. 178 HolliswoodWhite53.4%528
P.S./I.S. 208Black60.6%597
P.S./I.S. 266Black31.2%487
P.S./I.S. 268Hispanic50.3%660
P.S./I.S. 295Hispanic37.4%561
P.S./I.S. 78White35.7%759
P.S./I.S. 87 Middle VillageHispanic60.5%517
P.S./M.S. 114 Belle HarborWhite76.4%602
P.S./M.S. 138 SunriseBlack67.4%626
P.S./M.S. 147 Ronald McnairBlack78.2%413
P.S./M.S. 200 Magnet School-Global StudiHispanic54.9%534
P.S./M.S. 42 R. VernamBlack63.7%619
Pan American International High SchoolHispanic98.6%507
Pathways College Preparatory School: A. College Board SchoolBlack72.5%717
Pioneer AcademyHispanic96.8%722
Preparatory Academy for Writers: A. College Board SchoolBlack78.6%523
Queens Academy High SchoolHispanic87.7%358
Queens College School for Math Science & TechnologyAsian or Pacific Islander50.1%551
Queens Collegiate - A. College Board SchoolBlack33.5%686
Queens Explorers Elementary SchoolHispanic51.7%393
Queens Gateway To Health Sciences Secondary SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander53.2%686
Queens High School for Information Research and TechnologyHispanic60%503
Queens High School for Language StudiesAsian or Pacific Islander67.6%450
Queens High School for the Sciences at York CollegeAsian or Pacific Islander81.3%498
Queens High School of Teaching Liberal Arts and SciencesBlack45.4%831
Queens Metropolitan High SchoolHispanic44.5%979
Queens Preparatory AcademyBlack76.4%271
Queens Satellite High School for OpportunityHispanic50.9%163
Queens School for Leadership and ExcellenceAsian or Pacific Islander42.5%598
Queens School of InquiryAsian or Pacific Islander35.3%589
Queens Technical High SchoolHispanic82%1,302
Queens Transition CenterHispanic37.9%414
Queens United Middle SchoolBlack88.7%221
Redwood Middle SchoolBlack57.7%286
Richmond Hill High SchoolHispanic54.4%1,698
Riverview SchoolHispanic52.8%707
Robert E. Peary SchoolHispanic44.8%598
Robert F. Kennedy Community High SchoolHispanic42%564
Robert F. Wagner Junior Secondary School for Arts and TechnologyHispanic64%627
Robert H. Goddard High School-Comm/TechHispanic52.9%612
Rockaway Collegiate High SchoolBlack46.4%252
Rockaway Park High School for Environmental SustainabilityBlack46.9%226
Scholars' AcademyWhite34.1%1,193
The 30th Avenue School (G. & T. Citywide)Asian or Pacific Islander53.6%513
Thomas A. Edison Career and Technical Education High SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander50.2%2,197
Townsend Harris High SchoolAsian or Pacific Islander58.4%1,332
Veritas AcademyHispanic65.8%605
Village AcademyBlack49.2%295
Voyages Prep-South QueensBlack49.3%221
Voyages PreparatoryHispanic73.1%197
Waterside Children's Studio SchoolHispanic48.2%419
Waterside School for LeadershipBlack54.5%167
Wave Preparatory Elementary SchoolHispanic63.9%493
William Cullen Bryant High SchoolHispanic62.3%1,968
Woodside Community SchoolHispanic48.8%492
World Journalism Preparatory: A. College Board SchoolWhite41.4%626
York Early College AcademyBlack49.3%611
Young Women's Leadership School-QueensAsian or Pacific Islander44.4%536
Young Womens Leadership School - AstoriaHispanic45.1%574


John F. Kennedy Junior SchoolPan American International High SchoolPs 205 Alexander Graham BellPs 159Ps 117 J. Keld Briarwood SchoolPs/Is 266Ps 2 Alfred ZimbergPs Is 116 William C. HughleyThe Bellaire SchoolPs 242 Leonard P. Stavisky Early Childhood SchoolBell AcademyPs 224Queens Satellite High School for OpportunityPs 254Ps Q811Knowledge And Power Preparatory Academy ViPs Is 208Ps 90 Horace MannPs 51Richmond Hill High SchoolQueens High School for Language StudiesEpic High School - NorthNew York State Education DepartmentHigh School for Community LeadershipPs 199 Maurice A. FitzgeraldPs 60 WoodhavenPs 9Ps 118 Lorraine HansberryAugust Martin High SchoolPs Is 268Ps 132 Ralph BunchePs 84 SteinwayPs 34 John HarvardWaterside School for LeadershipPs 17 Henry David ThoreauIs 145 Joseph PulitzerPs 360Jhs 217 Robert A. Van WyckQueens Gateway To Health Sciences Secondary SchoolLearners And LeadersPs 134 HollisPs 55 MaureEnergy Tech High SchoolPs 124 Osmond A. ChurchGeorge Washington Carver High School for the ScienPs 191 MayflowerJames J. Ambrose SchoolPs 87 Middle VillagePs 92 Harry T. Stewart SeniorPs 239Channel View School for ResearchMetropolitan Expeditionary Learning SchoolPs 40 Samuel HuntingtonPs 222 Fire Fighter Christopher A. Santora SchoolPs 54 HillsideVoyages Prep-South QueensPs 139 Rego ParkPs 64 Joseph P. AddabboPs 112 Dutch KillsPs 66 Jacqueline Kennedy OnassisQueens Academy High SchoolInstitute for Health Professions at Cambria HeightsPs 212Ps 19 Marino JeantetPs Ms 147 Ronald McNairMaspeth High SchoolPs 95 EastwoodFrank Sinatra School of the Arts High SchoolInternational High School At Laguardia Community C.Ps 398Ps 35 Nathaniel WoodhullPs 207 Rockwood ParkPs 149 Christa McAuliffePs Is 295Ps 68 CambridgePs 15 Jackie RobinsonIs 227 Louis ArmstrongPs 28 Thomas Emanuel Early Childhood CenterPs 220 Edward MandelPs 46 Alley PondTownsend Harris High SchoolPs 148Ps 22 Thomas JeffersonNewtown High SchoolNorth Queens Community High SchoolPs 152 Gwendolyn N. Alleyne SchoolPs 166 Henry GradsteinForest Hills High SchoolQueens Explorers Elementary SchoolIs 119 The GlendalePs 146 Howard BeachPs 151 Mary D. CarterPioneer AcademyPs 214 Cadwallader ColdenJermaine L. Green Stem Institute In QueensPs 4High School for Arts and BusinessPs 213 The Carl Ullman SchoolQueens High School of Teaching Liberal Arts and SCPs 63 Old SouthLong Island City High SchoolPs 186 CastlewoodPs 129 Patricia LarkinPs 176 Cambria HeightsPs 223 Lyndon B. JohnsonPs 156 LaureltonYork Early College AcademyPs Ms 42 R. VernamNewcomers High SchoolPs 99 Kew GardensQueens High School for the Sciences at York CollegeQueens School for Leadership and ExcellencePs 120David N. Dinkins SchoolPs 136 Roy WilkinsPs 173 Fresh MeadowPs 94 David D. PorterPs 45 Clarence WitherspoonVillage AcademyIs 73 The Frank Sansivieri Intermediate SchoolWave Preparatory Elementary SchoolCorona Arts and Sciences AcademyPS 273Is 93 RidgewoodPs 89 ElmhurstMath Science Research And Technology Magnet High SchoolThomas A. Edison Career And Technical High SchoolCommunity Voices Middle SchoolIs 5 The Walter Crowley Intermediate SchoolGrover Cleveland High SchoolPs 232 LindenwoodPs 123Catherine And Count Basie Middle School 72Is 59 Springfield GardensPs 197 The Ocean SchoolPs 107 Thomas A. DooleyPs 33 Edward M. FunkRobert F. Wagner Junior Secondary School Arts And TechnCivic School of Bayside HillsPs 24 Andrew JacksonPS 70PS 108 Captain Vincent G. FowlerQueens High School for Information Research and T.Is 204 Oliver W. HolmesIs 192 The LindenBaccalaureate School for Global EducationalRobert H. Goddard High School for Comm Arts 7 and T.Ps 98 The Douglaston SchoolPs 111 Jacob BlackwellPs 104 The Bays WaterPs 49 Dorothy Bonawit KolePs 128 The Lorraine Tuzzo Juniper Valley Elementary SchoolAce Academy for Scholars at the Geraldine Ferraro CampusPs 100 Glen MorrisPs 195 William HaberlePs 221 The North Hills SchoolHigh School Construction Trades Engineering And ArcPs 97 Forest ParkJamaica Children's SchoolPs 165 Edith K. BergtraumJhs 216 George J. RyanPs 47 Chris GalasPs 162 John GoldenThe Academy for Excellence Through the ArtsPS 52Jhs 157 Stephen A. HalseyJhs 189 Daniel Carter BeardJhs 74 Nathaniel HawthorneAcademy for New AmericansPs 69 Jackson HeightsPs 127 Aerospace Science MagnetPs 130PS/MS 200 the Magnet School of Global Studies and LeadershipAcademy of Medical Technology A College Board SchoolPs 131 Abigail AdamsPs 160 Walter Francis BishopPs 102 BayviewPS 255Collaborative Arts Middle SchoolPS 377Academy for Careers in Television and FilmIs 61 Leonardo Da VinciIs 125 Thomas J. McCann WoodsidePs 62 Chester ParkWilliam Cullen Bryant High SchoolIs 237Ps 14 FairviewPs 80 Thurgood Marshall MagnetPs 196 Grand Central ParkwayPs 140 Edward K. EllingtonGoldie Maple AcademyPs 251Pathways College Preparatory School: A College BoPs 20 John BowneYoung Womens Leadership SchoolPs 174 William Sidney MountJhs 210 Elizabeth BlackwellJhs 202 Robert H. GoddardBard High School Early College QueensPs 219 Paul KlapperPs 181 BrookfieldMiddle College High School At Laguardia CommunityJamaica Gateway To The SciencesPs 21 Edward HartEmerson SchoolIs 250 The Robert F. Kennedy Community Middle SchoolQueens College School for Math Science and TechnoFlushing High SchoolPs 122 Mamie FayNew York City Academy for DiscoveryPs 38 RosedalePs 13 Clement C. MoorePs 177Ps 78Ps 233Ps 50 Talfourd Lawn Elementary SchoolJhs 67 Louis PasteurBayside High SchoolPs 65 The Raymond York Elementary SchoolPS 110Cynthia Jenkins SchoolQueens Collegiate A College Board SchoolMs. 358John Adams High SchoolQueens Preparatory AcademyInternational High School for Health SciencesPs 85 Judge Charles ValloneAcademy of American StudiesCollege Point CollaborativePs 36 St. Albans SchoolScholars AcademyPs 26 Rufus KingLighthouse Elementary SchoolThe Active Learning Elementary SchoolIvan Lafayette Early Childhood School of the ArtsPs 153 MaspethPs 169 Bay TerracePs 163 Flushing HeightsJhs 190 Russell SagePs 183 Dr Richard R. GreenPs 144 Col Jeromus RemsenJohn Bowne High SchoolPs 164 Queens ValleyPreparatory Academy for Writers: A College BoardFrederick Douglass Academy Vi High SchoolWorld Journalism Preparatory: A College Board SchoolBenjamin Franklin High School for Finance & Information TechnologyHelen M. Marshall SchoolIs 141 The SteinwayHigh School of Applied CommunicationsPs 86Ps 29Rockaway Park High School for Environmental SustaiHillcrest High SchoolPs 12 James B. ColgatePS 201 the Discovery School for Inquiry and ResearPs 32 State StreetWaterside Children S Studio SchoolPS 43Eagle Academy for Young Men IIIRockaway Collegiate High SchoolJhs 8 Richard S. GrossleyHunters Point Community Middle SchoolPs 18 WinchesterIs 238 Susan B. AnthonyPs 31 BaysidePs 182 Samantha SmithMs 158 Marie CurieThe 30th Avenue School (G. & T. Citywide)Information Technology High SchoolPs 11 Kathryn PhelanRobert E. Peary SchoolIs 25 Adrien BlockPs 188 KingsburyPs 209 Clearview GardensPs 88 SenecaHillside Arts And Letters AcademyPs 81 Jean Paul RichterWoodside Community SchoolRiverview SchoolEpic High School-SouthPs 161 Arthur Ashe SchoolPs 41 CrocheronPs 175 The Lynn Gross Discovery SchoolPs Is 178 HolliswoodIrwin Altman Middle School 172Business Technology Early College High SchoolPs 91 Richard ArkwrightQueens Transition CenterMS 53 Brian PiccoloPs 105 The Bay SchoolHumanities And Arts Magnet High SchoolRobert F. Kennedy Community High SchoolHunters Point Elementary SchoolPs 121Joseph F. Quinn Intermediate School 77Excelsior Preparatorty High SchoolIs 230Ms 137 America S School Of HeroesPs 193 Alfred J. KennedyChildren's Lab SchoolQueens United Middle SchoolPs 206 The Horace Harding SchoolPS 993Ps 101 School In The GardensJhs 185 Edward BleekerQueens School Of InquiryPs 154Young Women S. Leadership School Of QueensMartin Van Buren High SchoolPS 280 Home of the LionheartsVoyages Preparatory SchoolElm Tree Elementary SchoolPs 56 Harry EichlerJhs 194 William CarrBenjamin N. Cardozo High SchoolEast West School Of International StudiesQueens Metropolitan High SchoolAlbert Shanker School for Visual and Performing ArtsHawtree Creek Middle SchoolFrancis Lewis High SchoolPs 82 HammondPs 203 Oakland GardensPs 143 Louis ArmstrongThe Gordon Parks SchoolQueens Vocational And Technical High SchoolIs 10 Horace GreeleyEast Elmhurst Community SchoolPs Ms 138 SunrisePs 184 Flushing ManorPS 96Ps 76 William HallettPs 71 ForestPs 58 School Of HeroesRedwood Middle SchoolPS 16 Nancy Debenedittis SchoolPs 79 Francis LewisPS/IS 113 Anthony J. PranzoVeritas AcademyPs 234Flushing International High SchoolPS 376Ps 23 At Queens Children CenterPs 171 Peter G. Van AlstJhs 226 Virgil I. GrissonHigh School for Law Enforcement and Public SafetyPs Ms 114 Belle HarborPs 150Ps 7 Louis F. SimeoneAcademy Of Finance And EnterprisesAviation Career And Technical High SchoolPs 133Ps 253Cambria Heights AcademyCivic Leadership AcademyPS 155Ps 229 Emanuel KaplanJean Nuzzi Intermediate School


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