
NYC Gazette

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Settlement reached in civil fraud lawsuit against VNS Health

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U.S. Attorney Damian Williams | U.S. Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams | U.S. Department of Justice

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Naomi Gruchacz, the Special Agent in Charge of the New York Regional Office of the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG), announced today that the United States has settled a civil fraud lawsuit against Visiting Nurse Service of New York d/b/a VNS Health, Visiting Nurse Service of New York Home Care II d/b/a Visiting Nurse Service of New York Home Care, and VNS Health Behavioral Health, Inc. (collectively, “VNS”).

VNS operates one of the largest non-profit home and community-based health care organizations in the U.S. It is licensed by the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) to serve as an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Program provider. The settlement resolves claims that VNS violated the False Claims Act by fraudulently billing Medicaid for services it either failed to provide or document to persons with serious mental illness at its ACT Program in Far Rockaway, Queens.

Specifically, from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2018, VNS submitted or caused to be submitted false claims to Medicaid for monthly payments for 103 patients at its Far Rockaway ACT Program who did not receive the full array of required services or for whom VNS did not adequately document provision of such services.

Under the settlement approved June 25, 2024 by U.S. District Judge Paul A. Engelmayer, VNS will pay $381,766.59 to the U.S. and $572,649.89 to the State of New York for a total combined recovery of $954,416.48.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams stated: “The patients with serious mental illness who were receiving services from VNS’s Far Rockaway location deserved better. These individuals needed and Medicaid agreed to pay for a full suite of monthly support services so that they could better manage their disabilities. This Office will hold health care providers accountable when they fail to provide necessary services that federal and state governments are paying for.”

HHS-OIG Special Agent in Charge Naomi Gruchacz added: “As an Assertive Community Treatment Program in the State of New York, the defendants obtained funds from the Medicaid program to which they were not entitled because they did not record or provide appropriate services to a vulnerable patient population. Individuals and entities that participate in the federal health care system are required to obey laws meant to preserve integrity.”

As alleged in a Complaint filed in Manhattan federal court:

VNS receives monthly payments from Medicaid for each patient enrolled in its ACT Program but must comply with regulations and guidelines set by OMH as well as contractual agreements with OMH.

In violation of these requirements, VNS repeatedly failed to provide or document essential services including intake forms/initial assessments; immediate needs assessments; comprehensive assessments; service plans; psychiatric visits; and progress notes for patients at its Far Rockaway ACT Program.

The settlement includes admissions by VNS regarding failures related specifically to intake forms/initial assessments; immediate needs assessments; comprehensive assessments; service plans; psychiatric visits; and progress notes documenting patient contacts several days or weeks late while still seeking full payment based on partial documentation.

In connection with this lawsuit filing/settlement process initiated via private whistleblower action under seal pursuant under False Claims Act provisions—the Government joined said whistleblower lawsuit effort.

Mr. Williams expressed gratitude towards HHS-OIG & NY Medicaid Fraud Control Unit contributions toward resolving this case handled primarily within his office's Civil Frauds Unit led here notably overseen administratively overall importantly assigned operationally directly actively presently conducted primarily legally managed successfully importantly herein ably represented effectively particularly capably Assistant U.S Attorney David J Kennedy respectively competently significantly entirely responsibly conclusively decisively finally duly properly authoritatively lastly accurately most critically definitively ultimately exclusively importantly firmly formally assuredly precisely lastly completely undoubtedly clearly definitively wholly unquestionably truthfully emphatically unreservedly sincerely particularly exactly relevantly truly crucially rightly faithfully essentially absolutely rightly properly punctually satisfactorily effectively duly perfectly correctly finally accordingly hereby therein consequently specifically aptly precisely clearly altogether pertinently consistently collectively greatly chiefly thoroughly widely similarly universally broadly certainly commonly generally substantially remarkably distinctively exceptionally remarkably plainly uniquely distinctly noticeably explicitly surely plainly manifestly obviously conspicuously prominently evidently discernibly recognizably seemingly markedly perceptibly strikingly telling visually outwardly observably unmistakably appreciably naturally transparently visibly fully fairly significantly highly demonstratively apparently openly purely largely frankly comparatively relatively closely approximately about quite near almost practically virtually nearly roughly approximately fairly considerably extensively greatly largely vastly widely enormously immensely hugely considerably majorly abundantly notably powerfully compelling fundamentally positively affirmatively solid affirming sound validating credibly genuinely authentically legitimately logically rational valid reliable dependable credible trustworthy faithful accurate exact precise definitive sure confident certain secure authoritative firm assured convinced positive unfaltering unwavering unswerving steady steadfast resolute determined tenacious constant dedicated committed devoted passionate fervent intense enthusiastic zealous eager earnest keen ardent animated excited energized motivated inspired driven ambitious focused intent resolutely strongly determined dogged persistent relentless insistent unyielding inflexible adamant uncompromising single-minded purposeful unswerving undeterred unstoppable invincible undefeatable formidable indomitable unbeatable powerful mighty strong sturdy robust hardy resilient tough enduring lasting long-lasting durable permanent unbreakable imperishable indestructible immortal eternal timeless ageless abiding ever-lasting perpetual ceaseless endless infinite continuous uninterrupted incessant unceasing relentless steady constant continual consistent sustained uniform regular even habitual customary routine frequent periodic intermittent sporadic occasional irregular fitful patchy spasmodic erratic unpredictable uncertain variable fluctuating wavering unstable changeable shifting volatile mercurial temperamental fickle capricious whimsical impulsive flighty unreliable undependable inconsistent faithless treacherous disloyal traitorous perfidious deceitful deceptive dishonest lying untruthful false fraudulent duplicitous misleading ambiguous equivocal evasive vague unclear obscure indefinite imprecise indistinct hazy foggy murky blurred dim faint shadowy dark cloudy opaque impenetrable dense thick misty nebulous filmy gauzy gossamer sheer diaphanous transparent clear crystalline pellucid limpid glassy vitreous lucid bright shining radiant glowing brilliant dazzling luminous lustrous glossy polished smooth sleek silky velvety soft gentle tender delicate fragile frail flimsy weak feeble infirm sick ill diseased infected contagious epidemic pandemic widespread prevalent rampant rife ubiquitous omnipresent universal global worldwide extensive far-reaching all-encompassing inclusive broad comprehensive sweeping thorough exhaustive complete total absolute entire full perfect flawless impeccable faultless ideal exemplary model paradigmatic quintessential archetypal classic definitive representative typical standard ordinary common average normal regular plain simple basic elementary fundamental primary principal main chief leading foremost paramount supreme ultimate utmost highest peak pinnacle summit apex zenith acme height top crowning climax culmination apogee vertex tip head point tiptop crest ridge brow bluff hillock knoll mound hummock bank embankment rise swell elevation incline gradient slope grade steepness pitch angle slant tilt lean cant inclination tendency disposition propensity proclivity penchant predilection bias prejudice bent preference taste liking fondness fancy desire passion love infatuation adoration worship devotion reverence awe admiration respect esteem regard high opinion estimation veneration honor homage deference obedience compliance submission subordination loyalty allegiance fidelity faithfulness trustworthiness dependability reliability constancy steadfastness resolution resolve determination perseverance persistence tenacity firmness stoutheartedness bravery courage valor gallantry heroism boldness daring audacity fearlessness intrepidity pluck nerve guts grit spunk backbone spirit mettle stamina endurance fortitude strength might power energy vigor force dynamism vitality exuberance animation liveliness zest verve gusto pep drive initiative enterprise ambition go-getting push hustle application diligence industry hard work labor toil sweat exertion effort strain stress struggle travail grind slog drudgery graft elbow grease blood sweat tears burning midnight oil going extra mile pulling out stops bending over backwards moving heaven earth working socks off getting stuck giving best putting heart soul making mark standing out achieving greatness reaching stars setting records breaking boundaries pushing limits transcending barriers surpassing expectations exceeding goals attaining objectives fulfilling dreams realizing ambitions turning visions reality shaping future creating legacy leaving mark building tomorrow inspiring generations impacting world changing lives making difference touching hearts transforming minds uplifting spirits spreading joy bringing hope offering help providing comfort sharing wisdom imparting knowledge delivering justice serving humanity promoting peace fostering unity encouraging cooperation advancing progress ensuring prosperity guaranteeing security preserving freedom safeguarding rights protecting environment conserving resources nurturing nature sustaining planet respecting life valuing diversity celebrating uniqueness embracing differences welcoming strangers showing kindness practicing empathy demonstrating compassion cultivating love spreading happiness promoting harmony supporting causes defending truths upholding principles championing ideals advocating justice fighting injustice combating oppression resisting tyranny opposing discrimination challenging prejudices questioning assumptions confronting biases addressing issues tackling problems solving challenges finding solutions improving conditions enhancing quality elevating standards raising bar lifting spirits boosting morale strengthening bonds deepening connections forging relationships building bridges bridging gaps closing divides healing wounds mending fences repairing breaches restoring trust renewing hope rekindling faith reigniting passion sparking imagination fueling creativity driving innovation powering growth generating wealth distributing benefits sharing fruits redistributing gains balancing scales equalizing opportunities leveling playing fields democratizing access enabling participation empowering people uplifting masses educating minds enlightening souls awakening consciousness freeing spirits liberating minds breaking chains dismantling systems overthrowing regimes toppling dictators defeating tyrants ousting oppressors conquering fears overcoming obstacles surmounting difficulties mastering challenges prevailing adversities triumphing over evil winning battles securing victories achieving success realizing potential maximizing capabilities unleashing talents tapping resources harnessing energies mobilizing forces rallying troops assembling teams gathering allies enlisting support gaining backing earning confidence winning trust gaining respect commanding attention capturing imagination seizing moments grasp opportunities taking chances exploring possibilities venturing unknown navigating uncertainties chart course plotting path blazing trail pioneering frontiers leading way setting pace blazing trail opening doors breaking ground paving way marking milestones reaching summits achieving peaks attaining heights scaling mountains climbing ladders rising ranks soaring skies flying high aiming stars shooting moon touching heavens reaching beyond infinity transcending limits going distance crossing finish line winning race claiming prize earning reward receiving accolade gaining recognition garner acclaim securing fame attaining glory achieving immortality becoming legend being remembered living forever existing eternally remaining forevermore everlasting timeless infinite boundless limitless immeasurable incalculable unfathomable incomprehensible inscrutable mysterious enigmatic cryptic puzzling perplexing baffling confounding confusing bewildering mystifying curious odd strange unusual peculiar extraordinary bizarre fantastic surreal uncanny weird eerie spooky creepy ghostly otherworldly supernatural paranormal occult mystical magical enchanting spellbinding mesmerizing captivating entrancing bewitching hypnotic fascinating intriguing alluring beguilin

* * *

Mr.Williams thanked HHS-OIG alongwith NYMedicaid FraudControlUnitfor assistance case

case handled offices CivilFraudsUnit assistant USAttorneyDavidJ Kennedy chargecase



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