
NYC Gazette

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

There were 8,525 active legal licenses in Suffolk County as of Q2

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There were 8,525 lawyers with active licenses to practice in Suffolk County as of the second quarter of 2023, according to the NYS Attorney Registrations.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period.

New York State has the most lawyers of any US state, yet it is also home to legal deserts. Orleans County, with a population of 40,000 residents, has less than one lawyer per every 1,000 residents.

Nearly 75 percent of rural New York State attorneys are 45-years-old or older, which was one of the most concerning findings from a report on rural law practice. The report predicted that most rural lawyers in New York State will retire within 30 years and not be replaced by younger attorneys.

The average salary for an attorney working in New York State is $109,218 per year.

Not all lawyers with active licenses to practice are represented in the table below.

Lawyers in Suffolk County with active legal licenses in Q2
Lawyer NameName of FirmYear of License Granted
Lester J. Tanner1949
John Joseph MeehanMeehan John J.1950
Robert StrugatsRobert Strugats, ESQ.1950
William T. LauderWilliam T. Lauder Attorney & Counselor at Law1950
William L. UnderwoodWilliam L. Underwood Jr.1952
Alfred MinchenbergAlfred Minchenberg1953
Girolama M. D'AlessandroGirolama M. D'Alessandro1953
Justin L. CooperJustin L. Cooper1953
Norman Stuart AbramsNorman S. Abrams ESQ1953
Gary HolmanLamb & Barnosky, LLP1954
Howard Alan GlicksteinTouro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center1954
Joseph StabileJoseph Stabile1954
Robert Clark OsborneOsborne & Mcgowan, PC1954
Robert H. Siegel1955
Edward FlowerEdward Flower1956
Gustave FishelGustave Fishel III1956
Nat KurtzNational Kurtz ESQ1956
Richard Caleb CahnLaw Offices of Cahn & Cahn, P.C.1956
William Hubert PlummerPlummer & Plummer, LLP1956
William Hubert PlummerPlummer & Plummer, LLP1956
Anthony P. GalloAnthony P. Gallo, P.C.1957
James G. StarkeyJames G. Starkey, justice1957
Francis M. NearyBrian P. Neary, PC1958
Frank J. Evangelist1958
George Joseph FarrellFarrell Fritz, P.C.1958
James John PergolizziJames J. Pergolizzi Jr.1958
Jerome Schlapik1958
Melvyn TanenbaumLaw Office of Melvyn Tanenbaum1958
Robert L. WeinerPhillips & Weiner1958
Charles James SclafaniCharles J. Sclafani1959
Frank John RienzoFrank J. Rienzo1959
James Albert Gowan1959
James Kevin Meneilly1959
John Henry MulvehillJohn H. Mulvehill1959
Martin I. SemelC/O Lazer Aptheker Rosella & Yedid, P.C.1959
Peter HorensteinPeter Horenstein1959
Robert J. BohnerRobert J. Bohner, ESQ.1959
Victor John YannaconeYannacone & Yannacone, PC1959
Arnold Morris SchotskyRappaport, Glass, Levine & Zullo, LLP1960
Clifford J. ChuHayt, Hayt & Landau, LLP1960
Guy M. DemarcoGuy M. Demarco1960
Joseph Anthony BarbosaJoseph A. Barbosa1960
Joseph Anthony BarbosaJoseph A. Barbosa1960
Joseph Paul GovernaliJoseph P. Governali1960
Joseph Paul GovernaliJoseph P. Governali1960
Michael Jay LangMichael J. Lang1960
Peter DouniasJudicial Hearing Officer1960
Herbert NewmanHerbert Newman ESQ1961
Jack M. WeinsteinJack M. Weinstein1961
John Judson RoeEgan & Golden, LLP1961
Richard BordaRichard Borda1961
Stephen Ross JellenikStephen R. Jellenik1961
Walter J. CarrollWalter J. Carroll1961
Walter J. CarrollWalter J. Carroll1961
Alan C. Glassman1962
David Charles WeisbergThe Lawyer's Equalizer1962
Eugene L. DenicolaEugene L. Denicola1962
George Carl PezoldPezold, Smith, Hirschmann & Selvaggio1962
Harold Allen ShapiroHarold A. Shapiro, PC1962
James Roy LevienJames Roy Levien, ESQ.1962
Leo Gregory FlorentinoGregory Florentino ESQ1962
Matthew Muraskin1962
Melvyn Lewis JacobyJacoby & Jacoby1962
Norman Edward RosenNorman Rosen, PLLC1962
Richard Freeman LarkLark & Folts, ESQS.1962
Richard Freeman LarkLark & Folts, ESQS.1962
Robert Henry TuckerRobert H. Tucker Attorney at Law1962
Ronald J. DevitoLaw Offices Ronald J. Devito, P.C.1962
Sidney KwestelSidney Kwestel Touro University Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center1962
Stephen Robert SteinbergStephen R. Steinberg, ESQ1962
Edward Laurence WolfEdward L. Wolf, P.C.1963
Edward Roy KornEdward Korn1963
James Douglas DoughertyJames D. Dougherty1963
Lawrence J. DonohueLawrence J. Donohue1963
Ralph W. CrafaRalph W. Crafa1963
Roland Paul BrintRoland P. Brint1963
Stephen A. Fritz1963
Stuart Lawrence GastwirthStuart L. Gastwirth1963
Vincent G. BergerVincent G. Berger JR, PC1963
William DoischenWilliam Doischen ESQ.1963
William J. PorterWilliam J. Porter, ESQ.1963
Bartholomew John Rebore1964
Charles Golden1964
Charles J. RappaportRappaport, Glass, Levine & Zullo, LLP1964
Christopher SteeleChristopher Steele1964
David J. Gilmartin1964
Joseph W. RyanThe Law Offices of Joseph W. Ryan Jr.1964
Rainer Nicholas GreevenRainer Greeven, P.C.1964
Sayward Mazur1964
Sigmund BassFarr & Bass1964
Stanley M. Nagler1964
Allen B. BreslowAllen B. Breslow Attorney at Law1965
Anthony V. BarbieroAnthony V. Barbiero, PC1965
Barry Jay KushelBarry J. Kushel1965
Bernard T. CallanLaw Office of Bernard T. Callan Courthouse Corporate Center1965
Bonnie Linda MencherBonnie Mencher Aliazzo1965
Donald J. KingDonald J. King1965
Dudley Lawrence LehmanC/O Mark A. Peterson1965
Gary Flanner OlsenGary Flanner Olsen ESQ1965
Gary Flanner OlsenGary Flanner Olsen ESQ1965
Ivars BerzinsIvars Berzins, PC1965
James Hamilton BowersJames H. Bowers1965
Jerome Martin Lewine1965
Jerome Martin Lewine1965
John F. BogutJohn F. Bogut ESQ.1965
Kenneth A. Sarrel1965
Lawrence Kenneth KatzLawrence K. Katz1965
Leonard I. AckermanAckerman, Pachman, Brown & Goldstein, LLP1965
Peter David BarkBark & Karpf1965
Richard Martin Klein1965
Somer EstrinSomer Estrin ESQ1965
Stephen G. SibenSiben & Siben1965
Sydney Jerome ChaseThe Chase Law Firm, PC1965
Walter F. Wortman1965
William Robert DevineBartlett LP1965
William Robert DevineBartlett, LLP1965
Yale Myron MurovLaw Office of Yale M. Murov, PLLC1965
Yale Myron MurovLaw Office of Yale M. Murov, PLLC1965
David LopezDavid Lopez1966
David LopezDavid Lopez1966
Donald Kitson1966
Donald A. RettaliataDonald A. Rettaliata, PLLC1966
Edward ZinkerEdward Zinker, P.C.1966
Francis John YakaboskiFrancis J. Yakaboski, ESQ.1966
Gary GoldsteinGary Goldstein Attorney at Law, PC1966
Harold Gordon TraboldDranitzke Lechtrecker Trabold & Johnson1966
Harvey George LockhartHarvey G. Lockhart Attorney at Law1966
John Lawrence Buonora1966
John William JohnsonJ. William Johnson1966
Joseph John Odierno1966
Kathleen Ann CarlssonCarlsson & Carlsson, attorneys at law1966
Larry C. Zale1966
Patrick A. Sweeney1966
Patrick J. Barton1966
Paul R. AdesPaul R. Ades, PLLC1966
Richard Irving WolffLaw Office of Richard I. Wolff1966
Seymour GoldbergGoldberg & Goldberg, P.C.1966
Steven Gerald PinksPinks Lipshie White & Nemeth1966
Thomas J. SpellmanThomas J. Spellman Jr., ESQ.1966
William Gerard Asher1966
William Patrick GriffinWilliam P. Griffin, III, ESQ.1966
Benedict Stephen GulloBenedict S. Gullo, JR ESQ1967
Charles G. Eichinger1967
Charles Raymond CuddyCharles R. Cuddy1967
Daniel SubotnikTouro College School of Law1967
Denis Reagan HurleyUnited States District Court Edny1967
Dennis M. Pape1967
Francis John TubridyFrancis John Tubridy1967
Frank R. AliazzoFrank R. Aliazzo Attorneys at Law1967
Gary Norman WeintraubThe Law Firm of Gary N. Weintraub, P. C.1967
George Parker LynchGeorge Parker Lynch1967
George Parker LynchGeorge Parker Lynch1967
Gerald DolmanGerald Dolman1967
Harvey B. SilberHarvey B. Silber1967
Harvey Bruce BesunderMargolin Besunder1967
Harvey Bruce BesunderEgan & Golden, LLP1967
Helene Ruth Burgess1967
Irwin PopkinIrwin Popkin Attorney at Law1967
Jerome Stanley Ebenstein1967
Joel A. BrennerJoel a Brenner1967
Joel David KatimsJoel D. Katims1967
Jonathan Michael YoungJonathan M. Young, ESQ., LLC1967
Joseph Anthony Piscitello1967
Kenneth SchnaperKenneth Schnaper ESQ1967
Kenneth Alan Jacoppi1967
Lawrence Michael MonatLawrence M. Monat, ESQ.1967
Marcia Zipser HefterEsseks Hefter Etal1967
Martin I. EfmanSuffolk County Assigned Counsel Plan1967
Martin William Gershon1967
Marvin Lawrence BerensonMarvin L. Berenson1967
Michael Joseph TrainorMichael J. Trainor1967
Michael L. Weinstein1967
Peter Raymond DobsonPeter R. Dobson1967
Robert William HollwegRobert W. Hollweg1967
Robert William HollwegRobert W. Hollweg1967
Ronald Malcolm SickmenRonald M. Sickmen1967
Ronald Stephen CarnerCarner & Schwartzberg1967
Stephen A. Flaxman1967
Steven GodsbergLamb & Barnosky, LLP1967
Steven Alan SternlichtSteven A. Sternlicht, ESQ.1967
Thomas Franklin AssailThomas F. Assail, P.C.1967
William Caldwell MorrellVan Nostrand & Martin1967
William F. TreuberWilliam F. Treuber1967
Albert John BreneisenAlbert Breneisen1968
Albert John BreneisenAlbert Breneisen1968
Arthur Barry Malman1968
Bruce Thomas Wallace1968
Daniel William Hardick1968
David Gerald Cotton1968
David M. BrodskyBrodsky ADR, LLC1968
David M. BrodskyBrodsky ADR, LLC1968
David R. Francescani1968
David R. Francescani1968
Harvey Albert ArnoffLaw Offices of Harvey A. Arnoff1968
Harvey Baruch SavittSavitt& Krantz, P.C.1968
Jeffrey Michael Bernbach1968
Jeffrey Michael Bernbach1968
Jeffrey Stuart DubinJeffrey S. Dubin, P.C.1968
Joel Jon ZieglerJoel J. Ziegler, P.C.1968
John Augustine Obrien1968
John Augustine Obrien1968
John Joseph HalleronLewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP1968
Joseph Gary GiannolaJoseph G. Giannola1968
June Resnick GermanJune Resnick German1968
Louis E. MazzolaLouis Mazzola1968
Louis George Gardella1968
Mark Alan GarbusForster & Garbus, LLP1968
Melvin Paul MeyerMelvin P. Meyer1968
Michael Allan LevyComprehensive Arbitration & Mediation Services, Inc.1968
Michael Allan LevyComprehensive Arbitration & Mediation Services, Inc.1968
Morton WeberWeber Law Group, LLP1968
Natale Joseph TartamellaNatale J. Tartamella1968
Richard F. MonaghanLaw Offices of Richard F. Monaghan1968
Richard Joseph SmolianRichard J. Smolian, ESQ.1968
Richard Joseph SmolianRichard J. Smolian, ESQ.1968
Robert B. KronenbergRobert B. Kronenberg Attorney at Law1968
Robert Michael Zukor1968
Timothy Kevin Hart1968
Vincent J. TrimarcoVincent J. Trimarco1968
William J. Crabtree1968
William J. Crabtree1968
Anthony W. WangShoreland Racing, Inc.1969
Arthur GordonArthur I. Gordon1969
Charles F. Kenny1969
Charles J. VaccaroVaccaro & Prisco, LLP1969
Daniel G. VoorheesDeyton Voorhees & Balsam, LLP1969
David William McCarthyDavid W. Mccarthy ESQ1969
Denis Edward ColeDenis E. Cole Attorney at Law1969
Donald J. FarinacciDonald J. Farinacci, ESQ.1969
Edward BrozinskyEdward Brozinsky1969
Edward D. BurkeBurke & Sullivan, PC1969
Edward John BoydEdward John Boyd V.1969
Edward John BoydEdward John Boyd V.1969
Eric BregmanEric Bregman, PLLC1969
Gary James Weber1969
Gerard Dominick DesantisThe DE Santis Law Firm, PLLC1969
Gerard Dominick DesantisThe DE Santis Law Firm, PLLC1969
James Anthony Kole1969
James Francis Gleason1969
Jeffrey W. WallerJeffrey W. Waller, LLC1969
Joel M. MarkowitzLamb & Barnosky, LLP1969
John Alan Golden1969
John C. DigiovannaJohn C. Digiovanna1969
John Charles Koster1969
John Edward MessinettiBatt & Messinetti, PC1969
John Joseph TierneyTierney & Tierney1969
Joseph C. HubbardJoseph C. Hubbard1969
Kevin James Crowley1969
Kevin Michael DonoghueOffice of Kevin Donoghue, ESQ.1969
Leonard Barry FeldmanFeldman & Feldman, LLP1969
Liberatore Joseph IannaroneMullen and Iannarone, P. C.1969
Louis C. EnglandEngland & England, P. C.1969
Melvin Neil Borowka1969
Michael Edward TockmanMichael E. Tockman1969
Michael Kevin GrundfastMichael K. Grundfast, PC1969
Michael Stephen BrombergMichael S. Bromberg1969
Michael Vincent Achtziger1969
Paul Greenfield36 Towhee Trail1969
Peter Robert WernerPeter R. Werner, ESQ1969
Richard Klee1969
Richard J. Egger1969
Richard Martin BronsteinRichard M. Bronstein1969
Richard T. HaefeliRichard T. Haefeli1969
Ronald ForsterForster and Garbus, LLP1969
Samuel I. Hellman1969
Sedgwick Andrews Ward1969
Sedgwick Andrews Ward1969
Sheldon Wolfson1969
Sheldon Jay Tashman1969
Stanford KaplanStanford Kaplan, ESQ.1969
Stephen Michael BeharStephen M. Behar, Esq.1969
Steven Laurence BarkanSteven L. Barkan, PC1969
William RichColonial Village Management, LLC1969
William RichColonial Village Management, LLC1969
Barry L. WarrenBarry L. Warren1970
Bruce Leonard AdamsAdams & Wilks1970
David Alan BerkowitzDavid Alan Berkowitz1970
Dwight David KraemerDwight D. Kraemer Attorney at Law1970
Elliot PhillipsKirschenbaum & Phillips, P.C.1970
Frank William GiordanoFrank W. Giordano ESQ1970
James P. Corcoran1970
Jeffrey Allen RussJeffrey A. Russ, PLLC1970
Jeffrey Myles Klein1970
John French MacKayJohn F. Mackay JR1970
John Louis JulianoJohn L. Juliano, PC1970
Joseph Jerry SardelliJoseph J. Sardelli1970
Lawrence Franklin SpirnLawrence F. Spirn1970
Lee Julian MondsheinLee J. Mondshein1970
Lee Julian MondsheinLee J. Mondshein1970
Morton Friedman1970
Paul E. WarburghPaul E. Warburgh Jr. Attorney at Law1970
Paul E. WarburghPaul E. Warburgh Jr. Attorney at Law1970
Paul L. LambLamb & Barnosky, LLP1970
Peter S. DanowskiPeter S. Danowski JR ESQ1970
Raymond M. SalesSales & Smith1970
Reynold Albert MauroLaw Office Reynold a Mauro1970
Ronald Edward DepetrisRonald E. Depetris1970
Stanley Jerome SomerSomer & Heller, LLP1970
Stephen E. GilhuleyPark Electrochemical, CORP.1970
William Richard Fabrizio1970
Alan KrautAlan G. Kraut1971
Alan RossAlan Ross, ESQ.1971
Alan Marc SteinAlan M. Stein ESQ1971
Anthony B. TohillAnthony B. Tohill1971
Anthony B. TohillAnthony B. Tohill1971
Anthony Michael ParlatoreAnthony M. Parlatore1971
Barry Matthew TuminelloLong Tuminello, LLP1971
Edward B. Pennfield1971
Ernest John CannavaErnest J. Cannava1971
Frank A. TauchesAmerican Portfolios Financial Services, Inc.1971
Herbert M. HellmanHerbert Hellman1971
Herbert M. HellmanHerbert Hellman1971
Howard KirschHoward Kirsch ESQ.1971
James Lawrence TenzerJames L. Tenzer1971
John F. Picciano1971
John Nicholas FathJohn N. Fath, PC1971
John Nicholas FathJohn N. Fath, PC1971
Joseph A. DibenedettoJob Mediation, LLC1971
Kerry Robert Trainor1971
Louis J. PetrizzoCollege General Counsel1971
Martin R. GilmartinMartin R. Gilmartin ESQ1971
Max Tohn KrotmanGlobalforce International, Inc.1971
Michael P. DenotoMichael P. Denoto ESQ1971
Michael Richard GreeneRappaport, Glass, Greene & Levine, LLP1971
Neil Bruce CheckmanNeil B. Checkman ESQ1971
Paul GianelliPaul Gianelli Attorney at Law1971
Paul GianelliPaul Gianelli Attorney at Law1971
Peter John BenitezPeter J. Benitez1971
Peter John BenitezPeter J. Benitez1971
Richard Alan ZinnRichard a Zinn1971
Richard Alan ZinnRichard a Zinn1971
Robert J. RosenbergRobert Rosenberg, LLC1971
Stephen HolbreichRubin & Rothman, LLC1971
Steven J. WilutisSteven J. Wilutis ESQ1971
Michael Patrick MaloneLaw Office of Michael P. Malone1996
Michael S. RiemerMichael S. Riemer1996
Michael S. RiemerMichael S. Riemer1996
Michelle Lynn ZakarinTouro Law Center1996
Nicholas AlimarasNys Department of Labor1996
Patricia K. RomeoLaw Office of Patricia K. Romeo1996
Patricia M. McDonagh1996
Paul Richard Varriale1996
Peter George LavrenchikThe Law Offices of Peter G. Lavrenchik, PLLC1996
Peter Lloyd VerdonNew York State United Teachers Suffolk Regional Office1996
Phelan WolfPhelan Wolf1996
Philip V. O'Connell1996
Philip V. O'Connell1996
Pierce Fox CohalanJohn P. Cohalan Jr Court Complex1996
Rachel Jill AloniLaw Office of Dorothy A. Courten, P.L.L.C.1996
Randi M. SeidnerThe Levinbrook Law Firm1996
Raymond Michael Bennardo1996
Rebecca Jeanne FortneyLaw Office of Frank A. Cetero, ESQ.1996
Regina BrandowRegina Brandow, P.C.1996
Renee J. RobertsSuffolk County Supreme Court1996
Restituto Esteves YusonYuson and Irvine, LLC1996
Richard B. GoodmanP&F Industries, Inc.1996
Richard Mark VladimirThe Law Offices of Vladimir & Associates, PLLC1996
Richard N. ThompsonLaw Offices of RIchard N. Thompson1996
Richard Todd Dolce1996
Robert Charles ShepsSheps Law Group, P.C.1996
Robert Frederick Strecker1996
Robert Frederick Strecker1996
Robert Fredrick Strecker1996
Robert H. Pritchard1996
Robert Paul GriffithsSCCC1996
Robert Warren DoyleLewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP1996
Roberta K. GuzzoneAmideo N. Guzzone1996
Robin S. MessingerAtlas Law Group1996
Rosamaria Abbate1996
Rosemarie N. RotondoRotondo & Association, P.C.1996
Sal J. AlesiaMorgan Stanley1996
Sally Beth Steiner1996
Saul David ZabellZabell & Collotta, P.C.1996
Scott C. LockwoodScott Lockwood, ESQ.1996
Sharon Gail ThompsonSharon G. Thompson, R. PH., ESQ.1996
Smita G. ButalaSB Strategic Retail Advisors, Inc.1996
Smita G. ButalaSB Strategic Retail Advisors, Inc.1996
Stacey Jane KleinStacey J. Klein, ESQ.1996
Stacy Ann YakaboskiRiverhead Building Supply, CORP.1996
Stamatina P. PoulosWilliam B. Boulier, ESQ1996
Steve Fiore-RosenfeldSuffolk County Department of Law - County Attorney's Office1996
Steve M. DeverteuilGannon Rosenfarb & Drossman1996
Steven JohnsonShein Johnson, PC1996
Steven Ian LockeUnited States District Court, Edny1996
Steven Philip FlaumenhaftLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County1996
Susan OrioliSusan M. Orioli, ESQ.1996
Susan Joan MitolaWorker's Compensation Board1996
Susan L. McWaltersCertilman Balin Adler & Hyman, LLP1996
Theresa P. MarianoLaw Office of Dennis C. Bartling1996
Thomas Dodd GlascockLaw Office of Thomas D. Glascock1996
Thomas Gerard TereskyThomas G. Teresky, Esq1996
Thomas S. MarzagalliThomas S. Marzagalli, ESQ.1996
Thomas Vincent Maxwell1996
Tina K. PietteTina K. Piette, ESQ.1996
Tina K. PietteTina K. Piette, ESQ.1996
Tracy J. StapletonLaw Office of Tracy J. Stapleton1996
Vincent Louis PirroTravelers Insurance Company1996
Vincent Maniscalco AmiciziaGreshin, Ziegler & Amicizia, P.C.1996
Wendi A. LindseyWendi A. Lindsey, ESQ.1996
William Andrew StrepponeLaw Office of William A. Streppone1996
William Berton Boulier1996
William Edward LewisRyan, Mason & Lewis, LLP1996
William Jude HineHine & Ogulluk, LLP1996
Young Joe ImInky Resource1996
Zaralise Patricia BaileyZaralise P. Bailey, Attorney at Law1996
Chancellor A.G.Law Office of Lori D. Fishman1997
Chancellor A.G.Law Office of Lori D. Fishman1997
Aisha K. BrosnanBrody, O'Connor & O'Connor1997
Aisha K. BrosnanBrody, O'Connor & O'Connor1997
Alan M. DavisAlan M. Davis1997
Alan Michael SchlisselLaw Office of Raymond Baierlein1997
Alan Michael SchlisselLaw Office of Raymond Baierlein1997
Albert Eugene NoratoLaw Office of Albert E. Norato Jr.1997
Albert Eugene NoratoLaw Office of Albert E. Norato Jr.1997
Alfred S. WalendowskiAlfred S. Walendowski, PC1997
Alfred S. WalendowskiAlfred S. Walendowski, PC1997
Amy Beth SiegelAmy B. Siegel ESQ1997
Amy Beth SiegelAmy B. Siegel ESQ1997
Andrew James GentileGentile & Tambasco1997
Andrew James GentileGentile & Tambasco1997
Andrew James ScardinoLegal Aid Society Suffolk County John P. Cohalan Complex1997
Brian FrankelLaw Office of Dennis C. Bartling1997
Brian Paul Felicetti1997
Brian Paul Felicetti1997
Brian Robert SachsThe Sachs Firm1997
Brian Robert SachsThe Sachs Firm1997
Britt Silver HalvorsenBritt Silver Halvorsen, ESQ.1997
Britt Silver HalvorsenBritt Silver Halvorsen, ESQ.1997
Bryan Charles Van CottVan Cott Law, P.C.1997
Carole Lynn ReadBennett & Read1997
Carole Lynn ReadBennett & Read1997
Catherine Ann BrennanFumuso, Kelly, Swart, Farrell, Polin & Christesen, LLP1997
Catherine Ann BrennanFumuso, Kelly, Swart, Farrell, Polin & Christesen, LLP1997
Catherine Carol DesantoCatherine C. Desanto1997
Catherine Carol DesantoCatherine C. Desanto1997
Catherine Marie Gibbons Clement1997
Cathleen Theresa BenedettoLaw Office of Richard Cohen, PC1997
Cathleen Theresa BenedettoLaw Office of Richard Cohen, PC1997
Cecilia Spellman-Frey1997
Cecilia Spellman-Frey1997
Chad M. PowersChad M. Powers, ESQ.1997
Chad M. PowersChad M. Powers, ESQ.1997
Christine Marie WalshChristine Healy Walsh, P.C.1997
Christine Marie WalshChristine Healy Walsh, P.C.1997
Christopher James PorzioNixon Peabody, LLP1997
Christopher Martin LochnerMorris Duffy Alonso Faley & Pitcoff1997
Christopher Martin LochnerLaw Office of Eric D. Feldman1997
Christopher Patrick RingLaw Office of Christopher P. Ring1997
Clifford Albert UlrichCarter DeLuca & Farrrell, LLP1997
Clifford Albert UlrichCarter DeLuca & Farrrell, LLP1997
Craig Michael DolingerZaklukiewicz, Puzo & Morrissey, LLP1997
Craig Michael DolingerZaklukiewicz, Puzo & Morrissey, LLP1997
Daniel Caleb Feldman1997
Daniel Caleb Feldman1997
Daniel T. Generosa1997
Daniel T. GenerosaLaw Offices of Daniel T. Generosa1997
Daniel W. McCallyLewis, Johs, Avallone, Aviles, LLP1997
Daniel W. McCallyLewis, Johs, Avallone, Aviles, LLP1997
Danielle Lynne WhiteLewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP1997
Danielle Lynne WhiteLewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP1997
Darlene C. JavitsPatrick F. Adams, PC1997
Darlene C. JavitsPatrick F. Adams, PC1997
David Christopher SmithMartyn, Smith, Murray & Yong1997
David I. SiegelDavid I. Siegel, Attorney at Law1997
David I. SiegelDavid I. Siegel, Attorney at Law1997
David R. HollandLaw Office of Eric D. Feldman1997
David R. HollandLaw Office of Andrea G. Sawyers1997
Dawn A. LottGerald V. Dandeneau, PC1997
Dawn Marie FlowerFlower & Associates, LLC1997
Dean Jason SallahThe Sallah Law Firm, P. C.1997
Deborah SharinnDivorce and Mediation of Long Island1997
Delvis MelendezLaw Offices of Delvis Melendez, P.C.1997
Delvis MelendezLaw Offices of Delvis Melendez, P.C.1997
Dennis Michael CohenH. Lee Dennison Building1997
Dennis Michael CohenH. Lee Dennison Building1997
Diane Marie PfadenhauerSt. Joseph's College1997
Donald Gerard Cusack1997
Donald Gerard Cusack1997
Donnie J. SallahUnified Court System1997
Doreen J. ShindelDoreen J. Shindel & Associates, P.C.1997
Dorothy CavalierOffice of Legislator Sarah S. Anker- LD 61997
Dorothy CavalierOffice of Legislator Sarah S. Anker- LD 61997
Edmund Joseph Mellon SmythEj Smyth & Company, PLLC1997
Edmund Joseph Mellon SmythEj Smyth & Company, PLLC1997
Elaine Theresa Dawson-Burden1997
Elizabeth Anne GrabowskiNys Grievance Committee for the Tenth District1997
Elizabeth Anne GrabowskiNys Grievance Committee for the Tenth District1997
Elizabeth Theresa Mazzaro1997
Ellen Bissett DeriggiEllen Bissett Deriggi, PC1997
Ellen Bissett DeriggiEllen Bissett Deriggi, PC1997
Ellen R. StorchLittler Mendelson, P.C.1997
Ellen R. StorchLittler Mendelson, P.C.1997
Eric William OstragerGottlieb Ostrager, LLP1997
Frank Anthony Iacono1997
Frank Anthony Iacono1997
Gary John RobbinsLane Valente Industries1997
Gaurav MalhotraMalhotra & Associates1997
Gaurav MalhotraMalhotra & Associates1997
George Richard TilschnerGeorge R. Tilschner, P.C.1997
Gerard Joseph McCreightGerard J. McCreight, Esq., PC1997
Gerard Joseph McCreightGerard J. McCreight, Esq., PC1997
Glenn Stuart Garbus1997
Heather Worthington Lane1997
Howard Andrew GardosLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County1997
Howard Andrew GardosLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County1997
Hugh Emmet O'RourkeHugh Emmet O' Rourke1997
Hugh Emmet O'RourkeHugh Emmet O' Rourke1997
Jacqueline Shortell-McSweeney1997
Jacqueline Shortell-McSweeney1997
James KalamarasJames Kalamaras, ESQ., P.C.1997
James KalamarasJames Kalamaras, ESQ., P.C.1997
Janine Michele ButlerFedEx Services1997
Jayne M. St. JamesSuffolk County Department of Law1997
Jayne M. St. JamesSuffolk County Department of Law1997
Jeffrey Scott EttengerSchwartz Ettenger, PLLC1997
Jennifer B. ConaCona Elder Law, PLLC1997
Jennifer B. ConaCona Elder Law, PLLC1997
Jennifer Kate SiegelSuffolk County Office of Labor Relations1997
Jessica Helaine HoganSuffolk County Board of Ethics1997
John SamannaJohn Samanna, ESQ.1997
John ScarglatoSuffolk County District Attorney's Office1997
John ScarglatoSuffolk County District Attorney's Office1997
John Nicholas RussoJohn N. Russo, ESQ.1997
John Peter HuberDayton, Voorhees & Balsam, LLP1997
Jon M. Kessel1997
Joseph G. LacapraJoseph G. Lacapra, ESQ.1997
Joseph Martin GuzzardoBartlett, LLP1997
Joseph Martin GuzzardoBartlett, LLP1997
Joseph Michael BischBarbiero Bisch O'Connor & Commander, LLP1997
Joseph Michael BischBarbiero Bisch O'Connor & Commander, LLP1997
Joseph Ralph D'AddarioD'Addario Law Firm, P.C.1997
Judith Marie WalshJudith M. Walsh Attorney at Law1997
Keith John KalmusThe Law Office of Keith J. Kalmus1997
Keith John KalmusThe Law Office of Keith J. Kalmus1997
Kelly Lynn NagoskyFumuso, Kelly, Swart, Farrell, Polin & Christensen1997
Kenneth George CoyKenneth Coy, ESQ1997
Kevin Michael SullivanKevin M. Sullivan1997
Kevin Michael SullivanKevin M. Sullivan1997
Kevin Scott Ehrman1997
Kim E. NohillyLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.1997
Kim E. NohillyLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.1997
Kimberly A. Judd1997
Kimberly A. Judd1997
Kimberly Ann KinironsNys Office of the Attorney General Suffolk Regional Office1997
Laura E. CarrollOffice of the District Attorney, Suffolk County1997
Laura Regina BlasbergLaura Blasberg Law, PLLC1997
Laurie A. KorenbaumSuffolk County District Attorney Office1997
Laurie A. KorenbaumSuffolk County District Attorney Office1997
Leigh Ann PanekLaw Office of Dennis Bartling1997
Leo Kenneth BarnesBarnes & Barnes, P.C.1997
Leslie Hanna TayneLeslie H. Tayne, ESQ.1997
Leslie Hanna TayneLeslie H. Tayne, ESQ.1997
Leslie Marie SchmidtCartier, Bernstein, Auerbach & Steinberg, PC1997
Leslie Marie SchmidtCartier, Bernstein, Auerbach & Steinberg, PC1997
Linda Evonne EllisLinda E. Ellis, ESQ.1997
Linda Jean Kevins1997
Linda Jean Kevins1997
Lisa D. TymannEsseks, Hefter & Angel, LLP1997
Lisa Marie TehranianLisa M. Tehranian, Esq.1997
Lisa Marie TortoraFoley, Smit, O'Boyle & Weisman1997
Lisa Susan FineLaw Office of Lisa S. Fine, P.C.1997
Lori Ann LifsonUniversity Support Services, LLC1997
Lori Ann LifsonUniversity Support Services, LLC1997
Louis J. DesenaDesena & Sweeney1997
Luana Rita LoprestiLuana R. Lopresti ESQ.1997
Luis Antonio PaganLaw Office of Luis A. Pagan1997
Luis Antonio PaganLaw Office of Luis A. Pagan1997
Lynn M. RyanU. S. Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of N. Y.1997
Lynn M. RyanU. S. Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of N. Y.1997
Lynn Nancy RyanLynn N. Ryan, PLLC1997
Maria M. Caraballo-MitraZaklukiewicz Puzo & Morrissey1997
Maria Prakas GasparisTsunis Gasparis, LLP1997
Maria Prakas GasparisTsunis Gasparis, LLP1997
Marianne Crossley Smith-StahlMarianne C. Smith-Stahl, ESQ.1997
Marisa Grace Marletti-SchifanoH. Lee Dennison Building1997
Mark Francis MagnozziThe Magnozzi Law Firm, PC1997
Mark Francis MagnozziThe Magnozzi Law Firm, PC1997
Marty Gerard GlennonArcher, Byington, Glennon & Levine, LLP1997
Maryann Hayes1997
Maryann Hayes1997
Maryann Dolores O'Connor1997
Maryann Dolores O'Connor1997
Massimo Angelo SantoliMassimo A. Santoli, PLLC1997
Matthew Francis KyeKye Law Group, P.C.1997
Matthew Francis KyeKye Law Group, P.C.1997
Matthew George HughesHon. Matthew G. Hughes1997
Matthew John Cavalier1997
Matthew Seth VishnickVishnick & Vishnick Attorneys at Law1997
Matthew Seth VishnickVishnick & Vishnick Attorneys at Law1997
Meaghan JuddAnsanelli Law Group, LLP1997
Meaghan JuddAnsanelli Law Group, LLP1997
Michael A. FinamoreGemini Pharmaceutials, Inc.1997
Michael Adam KofskyThe Law Office of Michael A. Kofsky, PLLC1997
Michael Andrew ZimmermanZimmerman Law, PLLC1997
Michael Paul DelucciaForest Hills Financial Group1997
Michaelangelo MateraThe Matera Law Firm1997
Michaelangelo MateraThe Matera Law Firm1997
Minerva Ramos1997
Moriah Anne Heuer1997
Nica Bettina StrunkNica B. Strunk, PLLC1997
Nica Bettina StrunkNica B. Strunk, PLLC1997
Nicholas G. HimonidisNicholas G. Himonidis, ESQ.1997
Panagiotis SacoulasFoley Smit O'Boyle & Weisman1997
Paresh GuttikondaGuttikonda Law Firm, PLLC1997
Paul Karl SiepmannLaw Office of Paul K. Siepmann1997
Paul Karl SiepmannLaw Office of Paul K. Siepmann1997
Peter Christopher KaiterisKaiteris & Kavanagh, PLLC1997
Peter Christopher SteinStein & Stein, P.C.1997
Peter Christopher SteinStein & Stein, P.C.1997
Peter Ray GarciaLaw Offices of Peter R. Garcia, P.C.1997
Peter Ronald McGreevyMcgreevy & Henle, LLP1997
Peter Ronald McGreevyMcgreevy & Henle, LLP1997
Peter Sweitzer SmithLaw Offices of Peter S. Smith, PLLC1997
Peter Sweitzer SmithLaw Offices of Peter S. Smith, PLLC1997
Philip Didomenico1997
Philip Richard WolfWolf Law Firm, LLC1997
Philip Richard WolfWolf Law Firm, LLC1997
Rachel Gayle SchmidtSuffolk County Community College1997
Rachel Gayle SchmidtSuffolk County Community College1997
Raymond Charles BaierleinRaymond C. Baierlein, PLLC1997
Raymond Joseph ZuppaThe Zuppa Firm, PLLC1997
Regina M. StantonLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.1997
Regina M. StantonLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.1997
Renee Gloria PardoSuffolk County District Attorney's Office1997
Richard HarmsBrody O'Connor & O'Connor ESQS1997
Richard Andrew HammerBiondo & Hammer1997
Richard Michael Stopsky1997
Richard Thomas Walsh1997
Rita AnianoRita Aniano, P.C.1997
Robert J. OdellOdell Girton Siegel, LLC1997
Robert James Monteleone1997
Robert James Monteleone1997
Rona Ilene KuglerNYS Grievance Committee for the 10th Judicial District1997
Rose Mary ElefanteAnsanelli Law Group, LLP1997
Roy Craig GordonRoy C. Gordon & Associates, P.C.1997
Roy Craig GordonRoy C. Gordon & Associates, P.C.1997
Sean Michael RussellCoastline Wealth Management1997
Sean Michael RussellCoastline Wealth Management1997
Sean Michael RussellCoastline Wealth Management1997
Sean Patrick KellyGruenberg Kelly Della1997
Sean Patrick KellyGruenberg Kelly Della1997
Sima Asad AliAli Law Group, P.C.1997
Simon Se Woong Yoon1997
Simon Se Woong Yoon1997
Stephen Lawrence UkeileySuffolk County District Court1997
Steven John MoserMoser Law Firm, P.C.1997
Susan Lorena SeoylemezianPricewaterhousecoopers1997
Susan Marie PascaleB&G Industries, Ltd.1997
Terri Jean WilkinsonKirschenbaum & Phillips, P.C.1997
Terri Jean WilkinsonKirschenbaum & Phillips, P.C.1997
Thomas J. DarganLewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP1997
Timothy Joseph DunnRebore, thorpe & Pisarello1997
Tina Roshea NewsomeThe Law Offices of Tina Newsome-Lee1997
Todd WengrovskyLaw Offices of Todd Wengrovsky, PLLC.1997
Todd WengrovskyLaw Offices of Todd Wengrovsky, PLLC.1997
Traci Elizabeth SarnataroTraci Sarnataro ESQ.1997
Traci Elizabeth SarnataroTraci Sarnataro ESQ.1997
Troy Lane KesslerKessler Matura, P.C.1997
Vincent CuocciLaw Office of Vincent Cuocci1997
Vincent CuocciLaw Office of Vincent Cuocci1997
William Thomas McCafferyL'Abbate, Balkan, Colavita & Contini, L.L.P.1997
Yvonne Lee RandazzoLong Tuminello, LLP1997
Yvonne Lee RandazzoLong Tuminello, LLP1997
Alexander James CrawfordSuffolk County Police Department1998
Allen Lee BodeOffice of the Suffolk County District Attorney1998
Alyce H. GoodsteinUnited States District Court Eastern District of New York1998
Andrew John Heffernan1998
Joseph M. HallRubin & Rothman, LLC2019
Joseph Nicholas TimpanaroGruenberg Kelly Della2019
Joseph Thomas O'ConnorBrody, O'Connor & O'Connor2019
Justin Felix Pane2019
Justin Felix Pane2019
Katherine R. CutroneGruenberg Kelly Della2019
Katherine R. CutroneGruenberg Kelly Della2019
Kathleen Mary Coggins2019
Keith Thomas OlsenIngerman Smith, LLP2019
Kimberly Ann OringerEsseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP2019
Kimberly Ann OringerEsseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP2019
Kimberly Elizabeth WilkensLittler Mendelson, P.C.2019
Kyle Edward LandriganAldridge Pite, LLP2019
Kyle Edward LandriganAldridge Pite, LLP2019
Kyle Harrison Galteri GruderChambers of the Honorable Steven A. Pilewski, Suffolk County Court Judge2019
Kyle Harrison Galteri GruderChambers of the Honorable Steven A. Pilewski, Suffolk County Court Judge2019
Kyleen Ann BurkeSuffolk County Legal Aid Society2019
Lauren Erin GolombekSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2019
Lauren Erin GolombekSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2019
Lawton Avery WakefieldTarbet & Lester2019
Ling DingLydecker2019
Luann D. DallojaconoNew York State Supreme Court Suffolk County2019
Luann D. DallojaconoNew York State Supreme Court Suffolk County2019
Luann D. DallojaconoNew York State Supreme Court Suffolk County2019
Marc Nicholas SaracinoCampolo, Middleton & Mccormick, LLP2019
Marc Nicholas SaracinoCampolo, Middleton & Mccormick, LLP2019
Mary Catherine HobsonContract Attorney for Michigan Court of Appeals2019
Matthew Benjamin BaldassanoBullard Law Group, PLLC2019
Matthew Benjamin BaldassanoBullard Law Group, PLLC2019
Matthew Thomas McDonoughMcdonough, PLLC2019
Matthew Thomas McDonoughMcdonough, PLLC2019
Mayerline Michel-RossiSuffolk County Legal Aid Society2019
Meagan M. MagliuloCampolo, Middleton & Mccormick, LLP2019
Michael GiasulloLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County2019
Michael GiasulloLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County2019
Michael John BorekHenry Schein, Inc.2019
Michael Matthew FufidioMichael M. Fufidio, ESQ.2019
Michael Matthew FufidioMichael M. Fufidio, ESQ.2019
Michelle Patricia Ferlito2019
Monsurat M. AdebanjoSuffolk County Law Department2019
Natalia GandolfoNassau Suffolk Law Services2019
Natalia GandolfoTown Attorney's Office2019
Nicholas Joseph DeluciaHenry Schein, Inc.2019
Nicolas DaleoThe Law Office of Nicolas Daleo, P.C.2019
Nicole Alexandra Conlon2019
Philip Thomas MerendaRobbins Geller Rudman & Dowd, LLP2019
Rachel M. KerremansSuffolk County Attorney's Office2019
Raquel Gina TisiSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2019
Rebbeccah Lindsay FlohrTully Law Group, PC2019
Rebbeccah Lindsay FlohrTully Law Group, PC2019
Rochelle L. VerronVerron Law Group, PC2019
Rogendy ToussaintAventine Properties, LLC2019
Ryan James Johnson2019
Ryan Robert NelsonLewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP2019
Sabrina Glazer SingerU. S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit2019
Samantha Renee BarbereNixon Peabody, LLP2019
Stephen E. VlahadamisVlahadamis & Hillen, LLP2019
Tara Crystal Campbell2019
Taylor Marie NapoliJackson Lewis, P.C.2019
Theonie MakidisTheonie Makidis, ESQ., P.C.2019
Yesenia Isabel MaldonadoImmigration Legal Services of Long Island2019
Zachary Alexander KellySuffolk County District Attorney's Office2019
Alex CastillettiLite & Russell, PLLC2020
Alyssa Marie CostantinoSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2020
Ashley R. PollakSuffolk County Legal Aid Childrens Law Bureau2020
Barbara J. Roman2020
Beth Ann BentleySelf Employed2020
Brendan Philip LopuzzoL'Abbate, Balkan, Colavita & Contini, L.L.P.2020
Brianna Leigh MattiucciBartlett, LLP2020
Brianna Leigh MattiucciBartlett, LLP2020
Bryan Robert CornelisLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.2020
Caroline HananiaU. S. Small Business Administration2020
Caroline HananiaU. S. Small Business Administration2020
Claudia C. CadenillasCannon & Acosta, LLP2020
Damian RamosSuris & Associates, P.C.2020
David N. SchneiderMarnell Law Group2020
Destiny Shanique HollidaySuffolk County District Attorneys Office2020
Destiny Shanique HollidayBartlett, LLP2020
Devin Michael LoguercioSuffolk County Legal Aid Society2020
Donald Joseph Nenninger Jr.2020
Eleanor Margaret ShottonLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County2020
Elizabeth Ann LynchSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2020
Emma HenrySuffolk County District Attorneys Office2020
Felipe RendonRodriguez Tarazi Law2020
Gabriella LeonQuatela Chimeri, PLLC2020
Haley WillisThe Adam Miller Group, P.C.2020
Haley Elizabeth WeinreichThivierge & Rothberg, P.C.2020
Heather L. VeneroniJackson Lewis2020
Ivette Karen OsorioThe Osorio Law Firm, PLLC2020
Jaclyn Marie RuggirelloEastern District of New York2020
Jaime Matthew FarrellSlater Slater Schulman, LLP2020
Jared DockswellRubin & Rothman, LLC2020
Jasmine S. JamesThe Law Office of Michael Ferro & Associates2020
Jessica WeberMartyn, Smith, Murray, & Yong2020
Joan Hendrik Bischoff Van Heemskerck2020
Johanna Victoria PorembaSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2020
John Luke OkerblomOkerblom Law Firm, PLLC2020
Joshua Ethan RutsteinChintaly Imports2020
Kapish Anil BarrySuffolk County District Attorney2020
Kelly J. VargasVargas, kelly J.2020
Kendall Ann WalshSuffolk County District Attorney2020
Kevin Joseph GebhartThe Law Office of Robert G. Venturo2020
Kieran Robert RogersSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2020
Kimberly Angelica JohnsonLieb at Law, P.C.2020
Lasheca Renear Beverly Lewis2020
Maria Elizabeth Feldman2020
Maria Zambrano SteinhausSuris and Associates, PC2020
Martin Kevin RoweUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of New York2020
Michael Harold SteifmanSteifman, LLP2020
Nicholas Matthew Lo VerdeKaufman Mcgowan, PLLC2020
Patrick DonohueThe Law Office of Patrick Donohue2020
Patrick Joseph RooneySuffolk County District Attorney's Office2020
Prodromos A. TsenesidisStevenson Marino, LLP2020
Raven Linnette LewisNapoli Shkolnik, PLLC2020
Robert A. TorresThe Law Office of Robert A. Torres, PLLC2020
Robert A. TorresThe Law Office of Robert A. Torres, PLLC2020
Rose Shutters NissenThivierge & Rothberg, P.C.2020
Samantha Alicia MaloneTarbet & Lester, PLLC2020
Samantha Dream JorgensenSuffolk County Legal Aid Society2020
Samantha Lynn DesousaLaw Office of Eric D. Feldman2020
Shannon Leigh DechentPasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano, LLP2020
Shaunte L. Francis2020
Siobhan Kathleen BarryJakubowski, Robertson, Maffei Goldsmith & Tartaglia2020
Stanford Tyler BankstonMichael B. Schulman & Associates, P.C.2020
Stefani Brianne JoslinLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.2020
Stephen Joseph FlynnFlynn & Flynn Law2020
Steven Eric CauloMCM Tax Services2020
Steven Matthew FinkBlodnick Fazio & Clark2020
Steven Matthew Spaccarelli2020
Steven Matthew Spaccarelli2020
Tara Kathleen O'DonnellSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2020
Thomas Anthony Narducci Jr.Hurwitz Fine, P.C.2020
Timotei RaveicaMarshall Dennehey Warner, Coleman & Goggin2020
William Luis VegaSuffolk County Legal Aid Society2020
Adam MorelliJackson Lewis, PC2021
Alexandra SanchezJakubowski, Robertson, Maffei, Goldsmith & Tartaglia, LLP2021
Alicia Altidor2021
Amanda Kay KernozekNYS Education Department2021
Annemarie S. Diblasio2021
Annemarie S. Diblasio2021
Anthony J. Farina2021
Anthony Michael Donohoe2021
Anthony Michael Donohoe2021
Benjamin James KazenoffKazenoff Tax Law, PLLC2021
Benjamin James KazenoffKazenoff Tax Law, PLLC2021
Beth Gazes2021
Brandon Dei2021
Brandon Wong2021
Brian Vasquez2021
Brian Vasquez2021
Brian Robert O'ConnorO'Connor O'Connor Hintz and Deveney, LLP2021
Brittany Rae Frank2021
Brittany Rae Frank2021
Christopher William BillupsLydecker2021
Christopher William BillupsLydecker2021
Cliff Jordan LafeminaJackson Lewis, P.C.2021
Cliff Jordan LafeminaJackson Lewis, P.C.2021
Dale Robert RiedelZimmer, Mathiesen & Associates2021
Dale Robert RiedelZimmer, Mathiesen & Associates2021
David Matthew GeisslerLaw Office of Patrick Neglia2021
David Scott Wright2021
Deanna Marie WolfUnited States District Court, E. D. N. Y.2021
Deanna Marie WolfUnited States District Court, E. D. N. Y.2021
Dylan Sheptock StevensBurner Law Group2021
Edward Raheem Malone2021
Edward Raheem Malone2021
Elvin Javier CanarioImmigration Legal Services of Long Island2021
Elvin Javier Canario2021
Emily Marie Giunta2021
Emily Marie Giunta2021
Frieda Luise Haerter2021
Gia FernicolaLamb & Barnosky, LLP2021
Gia FosterLamb & Barnosky, LLP2021
Jacqueline R. ManciniUnited States District Court, Eastern District of New York2021
Jacqueline R. ManciniUnited States District Court, Eastern District of New York2021
James F. McCorMacKSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2021
James F. McCorMacKSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2021
Jessica VenturaRivera Julka2021
Jessica VenturaRivera Julka2021
Jocelyn SmallKessler Matura, P.C.2021
Jocelyn SmallKessler Matura, P.C.2021
Johanna Tatiana Ofelia Sanchez-Albarracin2021
Johanna Tatiana Ofelia Sanchez-Albarracin2021
Jonathan Paul CappielloSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2021
Jonathan Paul CappielloSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2021
Joseph Alejandro Ataollah TahbazDistrict Court for the Eastern District of New York2021
Joseph Alejandro Ataollah TahbazDistrict Court for the Eastern District of New York2021
Joseph Daniel MallekSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2021
Juliana Rose Spano2021
Justin Scott ManziBarbiero Bisch O'Connor & Commander, LLP2021
Kate Lorraine Dorney2021
Kimberly Marie BolkNassau Suffolk Law Services2021
Kristianna Mugnai2021
Kuljit KaurAh Law, PC2021
Lauren Jean SuelkeBluechip Underwriting Services, LLC2021
Leslie Grace Wells2021
Louis William ChisholmUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of New York2021
Marissa Nicole EdelsteinSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2021
Mary Theresa Scully2021
Melanie Nicole EllnerThe Law Office of Dino J. Domina2021
Melissa PascualiniJackson Lewis, P.C.2021
Melissa Pascualini2021
Melissa A. Cecere-Sellars2021
Melissa A. Cecere-Sellars2021
Michelle MoranLaw Office of Alexandra Mayen Rivera, PC2021
Michelle MoranLaw Office of Alexandra Mayen Rivera, PC2021
Muhui Huang2021
Nicholas John MaggioSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2021
Omar MosquedaLaw Office of Tina Newsome-Lee2021
Patrick John MullenSuffolk County District Attorney2021
Peter James GroffmannLaw Office of Patrick Boyle2021
Peter James GroffmannLaw Office of Patrick Boyle2021
Ra'anaa Kamaria SamadIngerman Smith, LLP2021
Ra'anaa Kamaria Samad2021
Raymond Thomas CosciaSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2021
Raymond Thomas Coscia2021
Richard Lawrence Hermer-FriedLieb at Law, P.C.2021
Robert D. Reiser2021
Robert D. Reiser2021
Robert Joseph Molinari2021
Sabrina SalamaBond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC2021
Samantha J. Lauri2021
Seth N. BurskyCarmel, Milazzo & Feil, LLP2021
Shannon Alexandra BetancourtSuffolk County Attorney's Office2021
Shannon Alexandra BetancourtSuffolk County Attorney's Office2021
Sophia Rosalind TerrassiIngerman Smith, LLP2021
Stephen Philip PenteckAldridge Pite, LLP2021
Taylor Gayle Nash2021
Taylor Gayle Nash2021
Tiana C. RooneyLaw Office of Heather N. Kaplan, P.C.2021
Tiana C. RooneyLaw Office of Heather N. Kaplan, P.C.2021
Whitney Francesca PunzoneQuatela Chimeri, PLLC2021
William Anthony Massa2021
William Anthony Massa2021
William Anthony Massa2021
William David Ramos2021
Yousra ChattiYunus Law2021
Zachary James ForemanLaw Offices of John B. Zollo, P.C.2021
Zachary James ForemanMartyn Smith Murray & Yong2021
Alessandra Elizabeth Albano2022
Alexandra Apollonia GuidarelliSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2022
Ashley ColladoSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2022
Ashley N. Popek2022
Bethany Ann Gartner2022
Bryan Michael Schenkman2022
Connor Nicholas McHughFass & D'Agostino, P.C.2022
Darby Alexa SinghRosenberg & Gluck2022
Darby Alexa Singh2022
Dillon Michael Gagnon2022
Domenique TufarielloIntellectulaw2022
Edward Anthony Cho-o'LearyU. S. Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of N. Y.2022
Elizabeth JektyanSuffolk County Distrist Attorney's Office2022
Emily Laine DundonSuffolk County Legal Aid Society2022
Erin Elizabeth ArgoUnited States Attorney's Office2022
Gavin Francis O'BrienSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2022
Isidora KosticLydecker2022
James Dylan BassSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2022
Jasmine E. Aiken2022
Jayne Victoria GuarinoSuffolk County Legal Aid2022
Kimberly Marie BallJoseph A. Hanshe, P.C.2022
Kimberly Sue KoehlerLaw Offices of Sandra M. Radna, P.C.2022
Kirsten Macaskill ReillySuffolk County District Attorney's Office2022
Kristy April WeglarzBond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC2022
Marlon BayasLaw Office of Eric Horn, P.C.2022
Meredith Leigh CapobiancoSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2022
Michael A. RaimondoThe Raimondo Law Firm2022
Michele Anne CattanoJackson Lewis, P.C.2022
Michelle Taylor CapobiancoLamb and Barnosky, LLP2022
Mohammed S. HassanUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of New York2022
Natalie Cole BonoRobbins Geller Rudman & Dowd, LLP2022
Nathaniel Jacob SobelU. S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit2022
Nicole Marie SmithKim Smith Law Group, PLLC2022
Patrick Corrigan WatersSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2022
Ramon Octavio Cabrera2022
Raymond William BuitenkantSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2022
Robert Honore LevinsonSuffolk County Legal Aid2022
Samantha Veronica BarrosNassau Suffolk Law Services Committee, Inc.2022
Sara Melissa MeyerFutterman, Lanza, & Pasculli2022
Sarah Afoa GyimahVolz & Vigliotta, PLLC2022
Shannon Lynn MaloneGlynn Mercep and Purcell, LLP2022
Shannon Lynn MaloneGlynn Mercep and Purcell, LLP2022
Stephanie Marie PersaudLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.2022
Stephen Alfredo Latuso2022
Syl-Don Rothaniel O'GilvieSuffolk County District Attorney's Offfice2022
Teresa Lynn StaianoLewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP2022
Tessa Markulin AndrewSuffolk County District Attorney2022
Thomas Joseph MooreMiller & Caggiano, LLP2022
Tyla Alexis SwintonJackson Lewis, PC2022
Victoria Gamez Agee2022
Victoria Ann NotoThe Law Office of Robert E. Schleier JR, PLLC2022
Victoria Mia ScaglioneJackson Lewis, P.C.2022
Zachary Phillip Cardillo2022
Alexandra Kushner2023
Alexia Marie WillisNixon Peabody, LLP2023
Amanda Marie Gordon2023
Anahi Alexandra TapiaJackson Lewis, P.C.2023
Anthony Christopher Roman-LannSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2023
Avery Simon BroganLegal Aid Society of Suffolk County, Inc.2023
Brooke Renee TelesSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2023
Claudia Bomee PiusLewis Johs Avallone Avilles, LLP2023
Craig L. CusanoSuffolk County Attorneys Office2023
Darling Cristabel GutierrezJackson Lewis, P.C.2023
Demitrios Elias KalomirisBond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC2023
Dominique Theresa VaccaroSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2023
Eric Harry SilversteinUnited States Bankruptcy Court, Edny2023
Gianna Leigh GualtieriL'Abbate, Balkan, Colavita & Contini, L.L.P.2023
Hayley Anne VallaKim Smith Law Group, PLLC2023
James Hughes BaxleyCreedon & Gill, P.C.2023
James Hughes Baxley2023
Janelle Ashley Jerome2023
Jessica GuzzoKosakoff & Cataldo, LLP2023
Jonah Adam LevitanNassau Suffolk Law Services2023
Kali Anne SchlegelMcguire Condon Mangan, P.C.2023
Keri L. HeronSuffolk County Department of Law2023
Laina Marie MilazzoGacovino, Lake & Associates, P.C.2023
Latriece Edwards-Brennan Reason2023
Mara Jill WeismanCatholic Charities of Long Island2023
Maria Estela HowanskySlater Slater Schulman, LLP2023
Matthew Evan KlopmanSuffolk County Legal Aid Society2023
Meagan Rose NolanCampolo, Middleton & Mccormick, LLP2023
Michael John Tatti2023
Michaela Marie WeidtmanVolz & Vigliotta, PLLC2023
Peter David Eisele2023
Peter David Eisele2023
Roger Justin AcostaCannon & Acosta, LLP2023
Sean Daniel MurphySuffolk County District Attorney's Office2023
Sean David LorthioirOffice of the Suffolk County District Attorney2023
Sean Michael Mullen2023
Sean Michael Mullen2023
Stephanie Ann BrunnerRusso, Karl, Widmaier & Cordano, PLLC2023
Taylor GonzalezBrown Altman & Dileo, LLP2023
Taylor Marie ReidyCona Elder Law, PLLC2023
Tok Hyun KimSuffolk County District Attorney's Office2023