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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Dec. 16, 2021: Congressional Record publishes “THANKING THE HOUSE OFFICE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL.....” in the Extensions of Remarks section

Carolyn B. Maloney was mentioned in THANKING THE HOUSE OFFICE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL..... on pages E1379-E1382 covering the 1st Session of the 117th Congress published on Dec. 16, 2021 in the Congressional Record.

The publication is reproduced in full below:




of mississippi

in the house of representatives

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, I join with my fellow committee chairs in thanking the House Office of the Legislative Counsel for their incredible work during the First Session of the 117th Congress. They have produced landmark legislation amid some of the most challenging working conditions Congress has ever known.

In just the First Session of the 117th Congress, attorneys within the House Office of the Legislative Counsel have provided steadfast guidance on not just the ``American Rescue Plan Act,'' the ``For the People Act,'' the ``Build Back Better Act,'' or the ``National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022,'' but also more than 7,000 measures introduced in the House.

My fellow committee chairs and I have joined in a letter thanking the office, led by Wade Ballou, which I include in the Record along with a roster of the entire HOLC staff.

Congress of the United States,

Washington, DC, December 16, 2021.E. Wade Ballou, Jr.,House Legislative Counsel, Office of the Legislative Counsel,

House of Representatives, Washington, DC.

Dear Mr. Ballou: The committee chairs of the House of Representatives would like to express our profound thanks to you and the entire staff of the House Office of the Legislative Counsel (HOLC) for your extraordinary work during the First Session of the 117th Congress.

Since its authorization more than a century ago, HOLC has offered professional, nonpartisan, and confidential advice on drafting legislation to all Members and committees of the House. Few Congresses in that time have been as legislatively active and demanding as the 117th. Amid a pandemic, your talented and patriotic non-partisan staff has helped our committees and all Member offices draft more than 7,000 pieces of legislation. The body of work produced by HOLC includes some of the most broadly significant and transformational measures our Nation has ever seen, which include the ``American Rescue Plan Act,'' the ``For the People Act,'' the ``Build Back Better Act,'' and the

``National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022,'' as well as additional measures that were significant priorities for each of our committees.

What follows are committee-specific statements of appreciation of your counsels' expert work, which together with the names of the HOLC attorneys and staff whose work we acknowledge here, will be included in the Congressional Record:

Committee on Agriculture

The Committee on Agriculture would like to thank the non-partisan staff at the House Office of the Legislative Counsel for their extraordinary work supporting our committee's legislative priorities. We are grateful for the invaluable legal and legislative drafting expertise of HOLC's agriculture and nutrition attorneys: Michelle Vanek, Kathryn Swiss, James Grossman, Kakuti Lin, and Jean Harmann. Their expertise, professionalism, and tireless commitment to public service has been key to our committee's work, including the agriculture components of the American Rescue Plan Act and the Build Back Better Act, as well as the 10 bipartisan measures that this committee favorably reported or successfully advanced to the House floor this session of Congress. These efforts could not have been accomplished without HOLC and its dedicated nonpartisan staff.

David Scott,

Chairman, Committee on Agriculture.

Committee on Appropriations

On behalf of the Committee on Appropriations, I would like to recognize and express our deep appreciation for the House Office of the Legislative Counsel. We thank the Office's attorneys and staff for their dedication to public service, for their professionalism and expertise, and for their indispensable contributions and service to the House of Representatives. We are especially grateful for the assistance of Wade Ballou, Noah Wofsy, Tom Cassidy, Kalyani Parthasarathy, and Donalene Roberts and the Office of the Legislative Counsel team for providing the support necessary for the Committee to craft appropriations bills.

Rosa L. DeLauro,

Chair, Committee on Appropriations.

Committee on Armed Services

The Committee on Armed Services is very grateful for the tremendous contributions of the House Office of the Legislative Counsel to the committee's legislative efforts, especially the HOLC's prodigious contributions to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022. The committee commends Hadley Ross, Tony Sciascia, Thomas Anderson, Tom Cassidy, Ken Cox, Mathew Eckstein, Brendan Gallagher, Brenna Marie Gautam, Greg Kostka, Keith Nemeth, Kalyani Parthasarathy, Veena Srinivasa, and Mark Synnes of the HOLC's amazing defense group and Karen Anderson, Marshall Barksdale, Hallet Brazelton, Jordyn Coad, Lisa Daly, Michael Sribinder, Billy Wilson, Noah Wofsy, and everyone on the indispensable HOLC team for sharing their critical expertise and their extraordinary devotion to public service with the committee.

Adam Smith,

Chair, Committee on Armed Services.

Committee on the Budget

The Committee on the Budget is extremely grateful for the entire hardworking, non-partisan staff of the HOLC that worked on the American Rescue Plan Act as well as the Build Back Better Act. Budget Reconciliation is, necessarily, a multicommittee and a multi-counsel effort, and our committee appreciates the complexity of this task and all of your staffs contributions. This effort was ably led by the talented, hardworking, and relentlessly cheerful team of Tom Cassidy and Parker Johnson. Their work over weekends, early mornings, and late at night was invaluable.

John Yarmuth,

Chair, Committee on the Budget.

Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis greatly appreciates the invaluable guidance and advice provided by the House Office of the Legislative Counsel (HOLC). One constant in climate forward legislation across jurisdictions, is the thorough, professional and essential work of the HOLC. While we are not a traditional legislative committee, our role in helping the House and the standing committees tackle the climate crisis head-on requires innovative, cross-cutting policy that is not always easily translated into legislative text. HOLC's drafting the bills passed by the House this Congress has already led, and will continue to lead, to immeasurable improvements to the lives of so many across this country, especially as it relates to the climate crisis. We extend our gratitude to the entire HOLC staff and wish you a restful holiday season.

Kathy Castor,

Chair, Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.

Committee on Education and Labor

The House Office of the Legislative Counsel (HOLC) has been invaluable to the work of the Education and Labor Committee this year. Thanks to the dedication and patience of HOLC's expert staff, the Committee was able to include historic relief for students, workers, and families through both the American Rescue Plan and the Build Back Better Act. Additionally, HOLC provided round-the-clock support throughout the year to ensure the Committee advanced key legislative priorities for the American people, including legislation to strengthen workers' collective bargaining rights, prevent child abuse and neglect, and address workplace discrimination. The Committee would like to give special thanks to Wade Ballou, Anna Shpak, Justin Gross, Brenna Culliton, Susan Fleishman, Brendan Gallagher, Karl Hagnauer, Jean Harmann, Paul Kubicki, Molly Lothamer, Donalene Roberts, Adam Schilt, Jessica Shapiro, Kathryn Swiss, and Adrienne Thomas.

Robert C. ``Bobby'' Scott,

Chairman, Committee on Education

and Labor.

Committee on Energy and Commerce

The nonpartisan Office of the Legislative Counsel has played a critical role in the work of the Committee on Energy and Commerce this year, including efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic, make prescription drugs more affordable, invest in efforts to modernize the nation's infrastructure, and combat the climate crisis. Such work required your staff to dedicate many late nights, early mornings, and weekends. While that work took place out of the public view's, your superb drafting and technical expertise was vital to the passage of legislation that responds to the needs of the American people. For that, the Committee is extremely grateful. In particular, I would like to thank those who have contributed directly to the Committee's work: Warren Burke, Casey Ebner, Karl Hagnauer, Alison Hartwich, Kakuti Lin, Chris Osborne, Adam Schilt, Brandon Senger, Jessica Shapiro, Adrienne Thomas, Michelle Vanek, and Sally Walker.

Frank Pallone, Jr.,

Chairman, Committee on

Energy and Commerce.

Committee on Financial Services

As Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, I am grateful for the tireless work and counsel that your staff provided our Committee during the First Session of the 117th Congress. Specifically, I'd like to thank Paul Callen, Marshall Barksdale, Veena Srinivasa, Sarah Rens Zavislan, Kathryn Swiss, Jim Grossman, and Lauren Anderson, all of whom worked with my Committee staff throughout the session. They helped prepare many pieces of legislation for our hearings and markups and worked into the dead of night to draft key pieces of legislation in our jurisdiction. Notably, they were essential in ensuring the housing provisions in the Build Back Better Act, our amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2022, and the Financial Services pieces of the American Rescue Plan were ready for inclusion and carefully written. Additionally, they assisted my staff in preparing several critical pieces of housing legislation, including ``The Housing is infrastructure Act,'' ``The Ending Homelessness Act,'' ``The Down-payment Toward Equity Act,'' and the ``Expediting Assistance to Renters and Landlords Act.''

They were also instrumental in turning the Committee's policy into a reality, using their unparalleled knowledge of consumer protection law on legislation such as the

``Comprehensive Debt Collection Improvement Act,'' legislation to regulate America's largest banks and improve credit reporting.

Once again, I want to thank everyone for their work on these key pieces of legislation over the past year, and I look forward to their continued work with us in the upcoming year.

Maxine Waters,

Chairwoman, Committee on

Financial Services.

Committee on Foreign Affairs

The House Foreign Affairs Committee would like to express our deepest gratitude to the House Office of the Legislative Counsel, especially to Mark Synnes, Mathew Eckstein and Kalyani Parthasarathy and their clerks. Their talent, commitment and mastery of foreign affairs statutes have resulted in over 75 measures passed by the Committee this year. I want to particularly thank them for the work on the State Department Authorization Act and the EAGLE Act. The work by this team has given the United States Congress a voice in serious matters of security, peace, development, human rights and democracy abroad. Countless individuals and countries have benefited from their work supporting the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which has enabled America to lead and build lasting relationships around the globe. We salute all of the Office of the Legislative Counsel for a job well done and look forward to our continued work together.

Gregory W. Meeks,

Chair, Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Committee on Homeland Security

The Committee on Homeland Security has benefitted greatly from the excellent work of several counsels, but we would specifically acknowledge the contributions of three senior attorneys that provided invaluable counsel, Mat Eckstein, Hadley Ross, and Tom Cassidy. With the support of the talented HOLC team, the Committee has successfully advanced 30 measures to the House floor under suspension of the rules and the ``National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Complex Act'' (H.R. 3233) under a rule. In addition to the homeland security components of the

``Build Back Better Act'' and the ``National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022,'' the HOLC team provided the Committee with expert advice on other important priorities, such as the ``Rights for the TSA Workforce Act of 2021'' (H.R. 903), the ``DHS Reform Act of 2021'' (H.R. 4357), the ``State and Local Cybersecurity Improvement Act''

(H.R. 3138), and the ``Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2021'' (H.R. 5440), to name just a few.

Bennie G. Thompson,

Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security.

Committee on House Administration

As Chairperson of the Committee on House Administration, I extend the sincere gratitude of our Committee's Members and staff for the exceptional work of the House Office of the Legislative Counsel. Among other issues, our committee's jurisdictional responsibilities include oversight of federal elections. The talented HOLC team has provided invaluable technical assistance in our drafting of and contributions to major legislation to strengthen our democracy and provide access to the franchise for all Americans, including the

``For the People Act,'' the ``John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act,'' and other important measures. In addition, HOLC staff provide significant assistance when we consider measures related to the internal procedures and priorities of the daily operations of the institution, including legislative branch agencies and offices that provide vital services to Members, staff, and the public. Among the many experts on the HOLC staff who provide invaluable assistance to Members and committees every day, from the perspective of the Committee on House Administration, we take this opportunity to thank and recognize in particular Wade Ballou, Noah Wofsy, and Parker Johnson. I have seen firsthand how their technical expertise improves the work of all Members, in turn, improving the work we perform for our constituents. We are grateful for their outstanding public service.

Zoe Lofgren,

Chairperson, Committee on

House Administration.

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Drafting legislation can be a complex, demanding, and technical enterprise; drafting intelligence legislation can be especially so. Yet time and again, attorneys from the House Office of the Legislative Counsel (``HOLC'') have provided expert assistance to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (``HPSCI'')--at all hours and on the tightest of deadlines. Their efforts have run the gamut of intelligence and related subject matter, from foreign interference in U.S. elections, to human rights, to cybersecurity, to counterintelligence, and to the protection of Intelligence Community whistleblowers. Whatever the subject or the project, HOLC lawyers consistently have been extraordinary.

HPSCI wishes, in particular, to recognize the tremendous contributions by Tony Sciascia and Brenna Marie Gautam--who have been vital to the drafting of the Intelligence Authorization Act, including under the extreme conditions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The enormity of their contribution cannot be overstated. HPSCI is deeply grateful.

Adam B. Schiff,

Chairman, Permanent Select

Committee on Intelligence.

Committee on Judiciary

The Committee on the Judiciary is very grateful for the expertise, professionalism, and patience of our House Office of the Legislative Counsel (HOLC) colleagues. We deeply appreciate the work of Hallet Brazelton, Megan Chasnoff, Ebony Holder, and Allison Gilley, the HOLC team that has worked so well with us this year to draft and report a steady stream of legislation on such issues as criminal justice, civil rights, and bankruptcy reform. Because antitrust reform has been a focus this year, we are also grateful for Jean Harmann's expert assistance. Finally, we express our sincere thanks to Susan Fleishman for working with us on immigration legislation, especially the immigration language included in the Build Back Better Act.

Jerrold Nadler,

Chairman, Committee on Judiciary.

Committee on Natural Resources

The Committee on Natural Resources owes much of its success to the dedicated staff at the HOLC. Under the leadership and expert guidance of Lisa Daly and her team members, Brandon Senger, Michael Sribinder, Kathryn Swiss, and Billy Wilson, the Committee on Natural Resources has successfully ordered to be reported 63 bills and passed 30 bills under suspension of the rules.

During the first session of the 117th Congress, Daly and her team provided invaluable subject matter expertise and drafting assistance for House passage of the Committee's historic, nearly $20 billion-dollar, reconciliation measure included in the ``Build Back Better Act'', the ``Protecting America's Wilderness and Public Lands Act'' (H.R. 803), and several measures for the betterment for the Indigenous Peoples of the United States. HOLC's efforts, often requested through late nights and weekends, were integral to the passage of legislative measures that will benefit the American people and our environment for years to come.

Raul M. Grijalva,

Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources.

Committee on Oversight and Reform

The staff of the House Office of the Legislative Counsel has provided the Committee on Oversight and Reform excellent service throughout the strenuous first session of the 117th Congress. From the American Rescue Plan, to Postal Service Reform, the Build Back Better Act, and D.C. Statehood, the expertise, guidance, and drafting services of HOLC, especially Tom Cassidy, Sally Walker, Casey Ebner, and Noah Wofsy, have been invaluable. The hard work and dedication of all the attorneys at HOLC is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Carolyn B. Maloney,

Chairwoman, Committee on

Oversight and Reform.

Committee on Rules

Each week, the House Rules Committee relies on the expertise of the talented staff at the House Office of the Legislative Counsel to move legislation to the House floor. Quite simply, we couldn't do it without you. On behalf of the Members and staff of the Rules Committee, I write to thank each and every attorney and staff person at HOLC for their dedicated service to the House of Representatives. We call upon you late at night, early in the morning, on weekends, and every time in between to produce legislative text that will help the lives of people across the country. You've drafted thousands of amendments and revisions that enable the voices of Members across the Congress--Democratic and Republican alike--to be heard. Sometimes, we need this text at a moment's notice, and you never fail to deliver. In particular, I'd like to thank Wade Ballou for his incredible leadership of HOLC, as well as Noah Wofsy and Bob Weinhagen who have worked over multiple holidays to help our committee finalize rules packages at the start of the past two Congresses.

James P. McGovern,

Chairman, House Committee on Rules.

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

The Committee on Science, Space, and Technology is grateful for the incredibly hard work of the House Office of the Legislative Counsel during the 117th Congress. This has been a very active year for the Committee, with comprehensive authorizations of most of the major research agencies in addition to the complex and difficult work associated with the Build Back Better Act. Through all this legislative activity, the counsels and staff of the Office of the Legislative Counsel have been integral players in advancing the Committee's work. Quite literally, the Committee's legislative work would not have been possible without HOLC's dedicated staff. Frequently this session, this work included long nights and weekends working with Committee staff on legislation. In spite of these difficult hours and circumstances, the staff and counsels of the HOLC have always engaged with the Committee with the utmost professionalism. Paul Kubicki, Justin Gross, and Donalene Roberts have all assisted the Committee during the 117th Congress, and their hard work is very much appreciated.

Eddie Bernice Johnson,

Chairwoman, Committee on Science,

Space, and Technology.

Committee on Small Business

The non-partisan staff at the House Office of the Legislative Counsel provide invaluable services fundamental to the work of the House Small Business Committee. Veena Srinivasa and Thomas Anderson are dedicated public servants with a work ethic rarely matched on Capitol Hill. Throughout the COVID crisis, our committee has sped to provide relief to struggling small businesses. As my staff and I worked late nights and early mornings to meet the urgency of the moment, Veena and Tom have always been there to lend their sharp legal minds to our legislative efforts. Our office knows them as consummate experts in small business law, among many others such as government procurement and financial services. Their work with our committee's legislation, in addition to other major bills like the National Defense Authorization Act highlights their dedication to this institution and our country. Lastly, I'd like to thank Wade Ballou for his leadership of this critical office. HOLC is a vital component in the legislative process. Without their services, Congress would be much less efficient in fulfilling our duties to the American people.

Nydia M. Velazquez,

Chairwoman, Committee on Small Business.

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

The non-partisan staff of the House Office of the Legislative Counsel have provided the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure with expert legislative drafting and guidance over the years. Their hard work has been essential to the Committee's contributions this Congress to major pieces of legislation including the American Rescue Plan Act and the Build Back Better Act, as well as the INVEST in America Act, a five year surface transportation reauthorization that passed the House in July. We'd like to extend particular thanks to Karen Anderson, Robert Casturo, Jordyn Coad, and Kakuti Lin, who worked extensively with the Committee during the 117th Congress. We appreciate the dedication, attention to detail, and professionalism of the entire HOLC staff.

Peter A. DeFazio,

Chair, Committee on Transportation

and Infrastructure.

Committee on Veterans' Affairs

The Committee on Veterans' Affairs is grateful to the dedicated staff of HOLC for their invaluable work during the first session of the 117th Congress. The Committee has a significant legislative agenda each year and could not accomplish its work on behalf of veterans without the outstanding work of Hadley Ross, Tony Sciascia, Ken Cox, and Brenna Marie Gautam. The Committee is particularly fortunate to be able to collaborate with counsels who are well-versed on veterans matters and Title 38. The Committee is grateful for the work of our HOLC counsels--through many redrafts and late nights--on the ``American Rescue Plan Act'' and the

``Build Back Better Act of 2021''. We are deeply appreciative of Hadley and Tony's willingness to attend bicameral meetings to bring their expertise to thorny legislative drafting issues.

The HOLC team assisted the Committee in developing legislation in support of military toxic exposure presumptions, burial benefits, and other disability benefit program enhancements this year, like the ``Mark O'Brien VA Clothing Allowance Improvement Act''. The Committee would like to specifically thank Tony Sciascia and Brenna Marie Gautam for their efforts in developing the Committee's comprehensive military toxic exposure package. The ``Honoring our PACT Act'' would not be possible without the support and hard work of these individuals. The HOLC team was excellent in drafting the ``Responsible Education Mitigating Options and Technical Extensions (REMOTE) Act''. Their due diligence means 50,000 veterans will have housing during their next school term. It also means many School Certifying Officials will be able to do their job better, and finally it will save the jobs of hundreds of educational employees from schools around the nation. The Committee is also grateful to the HOLC team for its work on technology-related legislation, to include the ``VA Electronic Health Record Transparency Act of 2021'' and the ``Demographic Data Collection Improvement Act.'' Finally, the HOLC team has been incredibly responsive and collegial in drafting multiple pieces of legislation on mental health and research, to include the ``STRONG Veterans Act'' and the ``VA VIPER Act of 2021''.

Mark Takano,

Chairman, House Committee on

Veterans' Affairs.

Committee on Ways and Means

Over the last year, the Office of the Legislative Counsel has worked alongside the staff of the House Committee on Ways and Means as we undertook the herculean task of moving both the American Rescue Plan and Build Back Better Act through the committee and on to the House floor. This process has been anything but straightforward and has required late nights, last minute drafting sessions, and even work through holidays and weekends. Throughout, this learned band of legislative counsels with deep expertise across the varied jurisdiction of the Committee has provided expert advice and drafting assistance. Their unfaltering commitment to their craft and continued professionalism under extraordinary pressure distinguish them as true public servants. The Committee on Ways and Means thanks you and the following members of your staff for tireless work on behalf of the American people: James Grossman, Jessica Shapiro, Scott Probst, Henry Christrup, Mark Synnes, Justin Gross, Paul Kubicki, Megan Hawkins, Michael Sribinder, Adam Schilt, Adrienne Thomas, Karl Hagnauer, Kalyani Parathasarathy.

Richard E. Neal,

Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means.

House Office of the Legislative Counsel, 117th Congress

Ashley Anderson

Karen Anderson

Lauren Anderson

Tom Anderson

Wade Ballou

Marshall Bellsdale

Debby Birch

Joe Birch

Hallet Brazelton

Warren Burke

Paul Callen

Tom Cassidy

Rob Casturo

Megan Chasnoff

Henry Christrup

Jordyn Coad

Ken Cox

Mairead Crotty

Brenna Culliton

Brian Cunningham

Lisa Daly

Rachel Davis

Tom Dillon

Monique Ducksworth

Casey Ebner

Mat Eckstein

Susan Fleishman

Brendan Gallagher

Rosemary Gallagher

Brenna Marie Gautam

Allison Gilley

Justin Gross

Jim Grossman

Karl Hagnauer

Jean Harmann

Alison Hartwich

Kevin Hauff

Megan Hawkins

Ebony Holder

Parker Johnson

Miekl Joyner

Mike Kim

Rebecca Kim

Toni King

Greg Kostka

Paul Kubicki

Kakuti Lin

Matt Loggie

Molly Lothamer

Luke Mansfield

Preble Marmion

Nancy McNeillie

Kelly Meryweather

Tom Meryweather

Carroll Neale

Keith Nemeth

Chris Osborne

Kalyani Parthasarathy

Angelina Plater

Scott Probst

Elonda Rich

Donalene Roberts

Hadley Ross

Hank Savage

Adam Schilt

Tony Sciascia

Brandon Senger

Jessica Shapiro

Anna Shpak

Michael Sribinder

Veena Srinivasa

Craig Sterkx

Alex Swindle

Kathryn Swiss

Mark Synnes

Peter Szwec

Alex Thierer

Adrienne Thomas

David Topper

Michelle Vanek

Sally Walker

Billy Wilson

Noah Wofsy

Sarah Rens Zavislan


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 217

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

House Representatives' salaries are historically higher than the median US income.



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