
NYC Gazette

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Congressional Record publishes “PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS.....” in the House of Representatives section on Nov. 3, 2021

Politics 15 edited

Carolyn B. Maloney was mentioned in PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS..... on pages H6177-H6179 covering the 1st Session of the 117th Congress published on Nov. 3, 2021 in the Congressional Record.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Under clause 2 of rule XII, public bills and resolutions of the following titles were introduced and severally referred, as follows:


H.R. 5830. A bill to establish an international terrestrial carbon sequestration program and provide international technical assistance for carbon market development, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

By Mr. ARRINGTON (for himself, Mr. Babin, Ms. Stefanik,

Mr. Banks, Mr. Johnson of Louisiana, Mr. Tiffany, Mr.

Gibbs, Mr. Rosendale, Mr. Gohmert, Mr. Hice of

Georgia, Mrs. Lesko, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Ellzey, Mr.

Mann, Mr. Sessions, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Cloud,

Mr. Cawthorn, Mr. Norman, Mrs. Miller of Illinois,

Mr. Perry, Mr. Posey, Mr. Gooden of Texas, Mr. Joyce of Pennsylvania, Mr. Balderson, and Ms. Van Duyne):

H.R. 5831. A bill to provide for the mandatory detention of aliens who are security risks or present insufficient or false credentials, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


H.R. 5832. A bill to establish the Retirement Savings Lost and Found, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on Education and Labor, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

By Mr. BARR:

H.R. 5833. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify certain provisions related to horses; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

By Mr. BRADY (for himself, Mr. Arrington, Mr. Babin,

Mr. Bacon, Mrs. Bice of Oklahoma, Mr. Burgess, Mr.

Carter of Texas, Mr. Crenshaw, Mr. Cuellar, Mr.

Ferguson, Mr. Gohmert, Mr. Tony Gonzales of Texas,

Mr. Gonzalez of Ohio, Mr. Vicente Gonzalez of Texas,

Mr. Gooden of Texas, Ms. Granger, Mr. Guthrie, Mr.

Hern, Mr. Hice of Georgia, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Latta,

Mr. McCaul, Mr. Murphy of North Carolina, Mr. Nunes,

Mr. Pfluger, Mr. Rice of South Carolina, Mr. Taylor,

Ms. Van Duyne, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Wenstrup, and

Mr. Williams of Texas):

H.R. 5834. A bill to amend title II of the Social Security Act to replace the windfall elimination provision with a formula equalizing benefits for certain individuals with noncovered employment, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 5835. A bill to prohibit the use of Federal funds to establish, implement, or enforce any vaccine mandate; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

By Ms. CLARKE of New York:

H.R. 5836. A bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to provide for certain requirements with respect to media employment, ownership, and diversity reporting, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

By Mr. CURTIS (for himself and Mr. Peters):

H.R. 5837. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to expand access to telehealth services relating to substance use disorder treatment, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, and the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.


H.R. 5838. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the indexing of certain assets for purposes of determining gain or loss; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 5839. A bill to authorize the President to award the Medal of Honor to Charles R. Johnson for acts of valor during the Korean War while a member of the Army; to the Committee on Armed Services.

By Mr. DIAZ-BALART (for himself, Ms. Granger, Mr.

Fleischmann, Mr. Johnson of Ohio, Mr. Massie, Mr.

Kinzinger, Mr. DesJarlais, Mr. Reschenthaler, Mr.

Rutherford, Mr. Gohmert, Mr. Bost, Mr. Grothman, Mrs.

Cammack, and Mr. Fallon):

H.R. 5840. A bill to require the Secretary of State to submit to Congress a report on the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. FITZPATRICK (for himself, Mrs. Murphy of

Florida, Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Phillips, Ms. Herrera

Beutler, and Mr. Golden):

H.R. 5841. A bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to apply the prohibition against contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections to contributions or donations in connection with ballot initiatives and referenda; to the Committee on House Administration.

By Ms. LOIS FRANKEL of Florida (for herself, Mr. Katko,

Ms. Blunt Rochester, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Nadler, Ms.

Underwood, Mrs. Axne, Mr. Blumenauer, Ms. Bonamici,

Mr. Bowman, Mr. Carson, Mr. Casten, Ms. Castor of

Florida, Ms. Chu, Ms. Clark of Massachusetts, Ms.

Clarke of New York, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Crist,

Mr. Danny K. Davis of Illinois, Ms. DeLauro, Mrs.

Demings, Mr. DeSaulnier, Mrs. Dingell, Ms. Escobar,

Mr. Espaillat, Mr. Foster, Ms. Garcia of Texas, Mr.

Grijalva, Mrs. Hayes, Ms. Jacobs of California, Mr.

Johnson of Georgia, Ms. Kaptur, Mr. Kilmer, Mrs.

Kirkpatrick, Ms. Kuster, Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. Lawson of

Florida, Ms. Lee of California, Mr. Lowenthal, Mr.

Lynch, Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York, Ms.

Manning, Ms. McCollum, Mr. McGovern, Ms. Meng, Ms.

Moore of Wisconsin, Mrs. Napolitano, Ms. Newman, Ms.

Norton, Ms. Pingree, Mr. Raskin, Miss Rice of New

York, Ms. Roybal-Allard, Ms. Scanlon, Ms. Schakowsky,

Ms. Speier, Ms. Strickland, Ms. Tlaib, Mrs. Trahan,

Mr. Veasey, Ms. Wasserman Schultz, Mrs. Watson

Coleman, Mr. Welch, Ms. Wild, and Mr. Rush):

H.R. 5842. A bill to deter, prevent, reduce, and respond to harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and harassment based on protected categories; and to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the tax treatment of amounts related to employment discrimination and harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and harassment based on protected categories; to the Committee on Education and Labor, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, the Judiciary, House Administration, Oversight and Reform, and Financial Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

By Mr. ISSA (for himself, Mr. Fitzgerald, and Ms.


H.R. 5843. A bill to require the Secretary of the Treasury to consider certain transactions related to precious metals for purposes of identifying jurisdictions of primary money laundering concern, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Financial Services.

By Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia (for himself and Mr. Issa):

H.R. 5844. A bill to provide for the modernization of electronic case management systems, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


H.R. 5845. A bill to amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act with respect to regional standards for furnaces, central air conditioners, and heat pumps; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

By Mr. MANN (for himself, Mr. Lucas, Mr. Weber of

Texas, Mr. Gohmert, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr.

Mullin, Mr. LaTurner, Mr. Cawthorn, Mr. Valadao, Mrs.

Steel, and Mr. Pfluger):

H.R. 5846. A bill to direct the Secretary of Transportation to establish a program to provide grants to motor carriers and motor private carriers to transport goods during a national emergency or a period of time in which there is a certain percentage of port congestion, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and in addition to the Committee on Oversight and Reform, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

By Mr. MAST (for himself, Mr. Perry, Mr. Weber of

Texas, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Tiffany, Mr. McClintock, Mrs.

Miller-Meeks, Mr. Allen, Ms. Tenney, Mr. Fulcher, Mr.

Gimenez, Mr. Gaetz, Mr. McKinley, Mr. Balderson, Mrs.

Hinson, Mr. Womack, Mr. Smith of Nebraska, Mr.

Moolenaar, Mr. Guest, and Mr. Pence):

H.R. 5847. A bill to amend title 49, United States Code, to provide that the transportation of goods from a port of entry and another place within the same State as such port does not constitute interstate transportation, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

By Mr. McEACHIN (for himself, Ms. Sewell, and Mr.

Bishop of Georgia):

H.R. 5848. A bill to direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish within the Office of the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the Office of Rural Health, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 5849. A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to clarify the definition of navigable waters, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.


H.R. 5850. A bill to ensure an evidence-based funding approach to study the effects of health profession opportunity grant demonstration projects, and to evaluate the demonstration projects; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

By Ms. TENNEY (for herself, Mr. Hice of Georgia, Mr.

Mast, Mr. Mann, Mr. Gohmert, Mr. Timmons, Mrs. Miller of Illinois, Mr. Guthrie, and Mr. Guest):

H.R. 5851. A bill to void existing non-compete agreements for any employee who is fired for not complying with an employer's COVID-19 vaccine mandate, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Education and Labor, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

By Mr. WALTZ (for himself, Mrs. Murphy of Florida, Mr.

Mast, Mr. Rutherford, and Mr. Palazzo):

H.R. 5852. A bill to extend the customs waters of the United States from 12 nautical miles to 24 nautical miles from the baselines of the United States, consistent with Presidential Proclamation 7219; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

By Mr. BOST (for himself and Mr. Takano):

H. Con. Res. 58. Concurrent resolution permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; to the Committee on House Administration.

By Mr. DONALDS (for himself, Mr. Owens, and Mrs.


H. Res. 766. A resolution recognizing law enforcement officers who have tragically passed away from the COVID-19 pandemic; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Ms. LEE of California (for herself, Ms. Barragan,

Ms. Bass, Mrs. Beatty, Mr. Blumenauer, Mr. Casten,

Mr. Cleaver, Ms. Eshoo, Mr. Espaillat, Mr. Garcia of

Illinois, Mr. Grijalva, Mr. Huffman, Mr. Johnson of

Georgia, Mr. Lieu, Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New

York, Mr. McGovern, Ms. Moore of Wisconsin, Ms.

Norton, Ms. Blunt Rochester, Ms. Tlaib, Mr. Welch,

Mr. Khanna, Ms. Meng, Mrs. Hayes, Ms. Schakowsky, Mr.

Swalwell, and Mr. McEachin):

H. Res. 767. A resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that it is the duty of the Department of Defense to reduce the overall environmental impact of all military activities and missions, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Armed Services.

By Mrs. LESKO (for herself, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Rouzer, Mr.

Upton, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Gimenez, Mr. Posey,

Mr. Graves of Louisiana, Mr. Griffith, Mr. Rice of

South Carolina, Mr. Stauber, Mr. Van Drew, Ms.

Herrell, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. Moolenaar,

Mr. Gibbs, and Mrs. Miller of Illinois):

H. Res. 768. A resolution condemning the Biden administration for incentivizing illegal immigration by compensating illegal migrants who cross the southern border illegally and for stopping construction on the southern border wall and failing to enforce Migrant Protection Protocols; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. LOUDERMILK (for himself, Ms. Williams of

Georgia, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Carter of Georgia, Mr.

Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, Mr.

David Scott of Georgia, Mr. Clyde, Mrs. Greene of

Georgia, Mrs. McBath, Mr. Allen, Mr. Bishop of

Georgia, Mr. Hice of Georgia, and Ms. Bourdeaux):

H. Res. 769. A resolution congratulating the Atlanta Braves for winning the 2021 Major League Baseball World Series and honoring the life of Henry Louis Aaron; to the Committee on Oversight and Reform.

By Mr. MURPHY of North Carolina (for himself, Mrs.

Cammack, Mr. Jordan,

Mr. Bost, Ms. Stefanik, Mrs. Miller-Meeks, Mr. Mann,

Mr. Budd, Mr. Davidson, Ms. Letlow, Mr. Babin, Mr.

Norman, Mr. Steube, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Cline, Mr.

Reschenthaler, Mr. Weber of Texas, Ms. Tenney, Mr.

LaMalfa, Mr. McClintock, Mr. Moore of Alabama, Mr.

Bilirakis, Mr. Owens, Mr. Bishop of North Carolina, and Mr. C. Scott Franklin of Florida):

H. Res. 770. A resolution expressing support for the First Amendment to the Constitution and its bipartisan impact regarding the protection of free speech as well as academic freedoms for all students and faculty; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Ms. WILLIAMS of Georgia:

H. Res. 771. A resolution congratulating Atlanta on winning the 2021 Major League Baseball World Series; to the Committee on Oversight and Reform.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 193

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

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