
NYC Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jill Crary donates $314 to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's campaign committee in March

Webp campaign16

Jill Crary donated $314 to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during March, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Donations can be made to political candidates in various amounts. The FEC regulates these donations, and individual groups, excluding PACs, must disclose donations over $250 per year.

The following table lists top 100 contributions donated to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's campaign in March.

1Daniel Barr$5,143
2Russel Simmons$2,900
3Rowan Lubbock$2,000
4Ronald Port$1,500
5Walker Richardson$1,400
5Martha Nost$1,400
5Joshua Hajiakbarifini$1,400
8Max Yeston$1,392
9Daniel M. Barr$1,333
10Tim Gregory$1,000
10Sharon Goel$1,000
10Rolando Lantigua$1,000
10Robet Hoyt$1,000
10Mohannad Malas$1,000
10Leon Bell$1,000
10Kevin Huvane$1,000
10Kathleen Jones-Orr$1,000
10Jennifer Waddell$1,000
10Jeff Martin$1,000
10James Pope$1,000
10Ibrahim Alhusseini$1,000
10Deepali Gupta$1,000
10David Elliott Bell$1,000
10David Blobaum$1,000
10Brenda Lee$1,000
10Alton Arnall Thomasson$1,000
27Alexander Orellana$960
28Norbert Hornstein$950
28Aaron Austin$950
30Martin Kenner$800
31Rick Hardman$717
32Ana M. Priu$710
33Betsy Grossman$700
34Patricia Storace$654
35David Hersch$525
36Walter Gilbert$500
36Suzie Trivisonno$500
36Stella Fitzgibbons$500
36Scott Broadbent$500
36Robert Smith$500
36Paul Hanrahan$500
36Patricia Stern$500
36Nancy Nordhoff$500
36Melissa Dana$500
36Matthew Gordon$500
36Mary Wood$500
36Leila Hall$500
36Karen Oneill$500
36Judy Wise$500
36Jordan Salcito$500
36John Sneed$500
36Jenniphr Goodman$500
36Jann Wenner$500
36James Shaddix$500
36James Becker$500
36Georgiana Alavanja$500
36Frances Close$500
36Elaine Nonneman$500
36Edward Hess$500
36David Rabiroff$500
36David Keller$500
36Cynthia Wold$500
36Colleen Hulce$500
36Ann Pogue$500
36Adam Koranyi$500
66Glen Wickboldt$431
67Nicholas Greco$420
68Jack Wendell Bowen$400
69Pamela Culp$350
69Larry Polivka$350
69Douglas Lee$350
69Charlotte Perret$350
73Robin Bloomgarden$342
74William Todd Hartmann$332
75Rolf W. Habersang$325
76Jill Crary$314
77Raymond Gordon$300
77Bill Baskin$300
79Gregory Lecrocq$298
80Roger Vann$292
81Cody Greenley$272
82Olga Yokoyama$270
82Christopher Graves$270
84Nicholas Livoti$261
84Lisa Cottrell$261
86Karoly Holczer$260
86Daniel Hall$260
88Jeanne Cantor$255
89William Stafford$250
89Wilfredo Ramos$250
89Valerie Amerkhail$250
89Tuong Doan$250
89Tommy Gallagher$250
89Thomas Gordon$250
89Terry Simons$250
89Sydney Feeney$250
89Stephen Abtahi$250
89Russell Statman$250
89Ronald Pedalino$250
89Roland Carroll$250