
NYC Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Gillian Mercer donates $3,500 to President Trump's campaign committee in September

Webp campaign01

Gillian Mercer donated $3,500 to Donald Trump during September, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Donations can be made to political candidates in various amounts. The FEC regulates these donations, and individual groups, excluding PACs, must disclose donations over $250 per year.

The following table lists top 100 contributions donated to Donald Trump's campaign in September.

1David Levine$31,252
1Paul Husby$31,252
3George Porter$30,318
4Stephen Hammond$26,400
5Bruce Thompson$25,445
6Caroline Vogel$24,500
7Robert Mcnichols$24,440
8Sheri Best$22,400
9Linda Baldwin$21,460
10Lynne Archer$20,595
11Lori A. Lane$20,288
12Len Leader$20,000
12Charles Burnett$20,000
14Bill W. Collins$19,300
15Joseph Janowski$18,955
16Ross Barker$18,798
17Justin Alexander$18,778
18Irving A. Meeker$18,056
19Lorna Auld$17,800
20Glen Brecht$16,986
21Robert P. Norton$16,976
22Fred Love$16,968
23Christine Perry$16,800
23Kelly Lang$16,800
25Stephen M. Hayden$16,315
26Robert Lent$16,200
26Robert Gonzales$16,200
28Russell Evitt$16,000
28Bertrand E.R. Bouchenot$16,000
30Kathy Craig$15,913
31Joy Siegrist$15,000
31Stefan Simoncic$15,000
33Jim Timberlake$14,850
34Darla Grazdan$14,430
35Michael H. Freels$14,400
36Fran Fleming$14,250
37Diane Tang$14,000
37Ed Marshall Jr.$14,000
37John Stephen Lockton$14,000
37Timothy Oneill$14,000
37Steve Cossack$14,000
42James Pellerin$13,300
43Richard Stravitz$13,000
44William Richardson$12,737
45Lynn Vinocur Wilson$12,616
46Don Duhigg$12,398
47Julia Pavliga$12,372
48Chonghua Wang$12,295
49Alan Whitr$12,200
50John Pariseau$12,175
51Kathryn A. Johnson$12,068
52Dan Houston$12,030
53Cynthia Mccann$12,023
54Bob Flake$12,022
55Robert Bechtholdt$12,000
56Charles Campbell$11,900
57William Song$11,844
58Todd Whitley$11,700
59James Robinson$11,637
60Vernon Hilderbrand$11,501
61John Walton$11,499
62Vaughn Prost$11,455
63Mary Ann Roach$11,409
64Kelly Owen$11,250
65Edward Harshfield$11,200
65Stephen F. Sullivan$11,200
65Kevin Mcda$11,200
65Paul Loyd$11,200
65Ihnmo Lee$11,200
65Nan Levy$11,200
65Jeff Morgan$11,200
65Stan Runyon$11,200
65Frank Yates$11,200
65Thomas Richmond$11,200
65Jordan Reese$11,200
65Mark Minyard$11,200
65Terry Russell$11,200
65Stephan Newhouse$11,200
65Anastasios Parafestas$11,200
65Joseph Neuhoff III$11,200
65Garry V. Goett$11,200
65Tom Depping$11,200
65Barry Hoffman$11,200
65William Hearst$11,200
65Susan Blackmon$11,200
65Della Broyles$11,200
65Kenneth George Block$11,200
65Phil Fowler$11,200
89Wesley Bober$11,194
90Michael Montoya$11,000
90Ronald Michael$11,000
92Lou Torrestrueba$10,900
93Susan R. Price$10,878
94David Bennett$10,850
94Kay Allison$10,850
96Art Evans$10,817
97Patrick Preston$10,600
98Patricia Marvil$10,542
99Ronald S. Yamauchi$10,501
100Jerome Rydell$10,180